Janet Snakehole

Orange man is bad. This can never be over-stressed.

Seek help.

“i kissed a girl, she disliked it” probably wouldn’t have been as big a hit

What the shit happened with this comment section? So many replies about either Miley’s apparent non-commitment to marriage (only because it didn’t last long enough?) or slut-shaming her. What the hell, Jezebellians?

Please, oh wise one, enlighten your people with the gift of your list of legitimate reasons to divorce.

(I’m being facetious, your comment is dumb, and wtf does finding out marriage changes things have to do with being “self-centered”? So fucking judgmental.)

Yes, yes, all bi-people are just faking it for attention. Thank you for this very modern and fresh take that is not at all homophobic.

Now let me discuss some of my favorite Liam Hemsworth roles: <FILE NOT FOUND>

Woman that was openly dating 20 men with their full knowledge in the context of a show about a woman dating 20 men gets mad at man that is dating two but acted like he wasn’t.

I always took that scene to be Bill revealing that he was supremely full of shit, and that Beatrix realized then how dumb it had been to follow him in the first place. Her sadness in killing him was that she had killed a feeble old man who was the father of her child, not a mentor whom she had once essentially gone to

So, my theory is that the psychopath Perry killed his brother when they were kids, and Mary Louise covered it up. This is why the dad left. Celeste somehow found out about this, and is going to expose it in court. That Mary Louise knew Perry was sick and violent, and enabled it. BOOM!

When they have trans women being able to play “Irish woman” or other traditional cis woman parts without it being questions or centered around thier trans identity, then scarjo can play a trans person

I don’t need her to be a leftist dream, I need her to be better than Mitch. It’s a pretty low bar. Campaigning in a way that talks to voters she needs to win over, conservatives who have probably voted red their whole lives (or voted southern democrat when that was still a thing) is smart. 

To the trolls, save your typing. I flag and dismiss with extreme prejudice and I do not engage. I'm not here to debate the humanity of people of color 

You said an absolute word. In so many people eyes a childhood is for white children only. Us folks of color aren’t deserving of the protection, care and innocence that they deny us and actively steal from us. In their perspective our children are no better than the adults and in their minds the adults are no better

The fact you had blogs like Jezebel do two entire separate pieces on Curran in which she was described as Beyonce’s “new enemy” (I guess sarcastically but with Jez, who knows), making sure to let us all know her social media addresses and with photos taken from it, shows that the Beyhive may be a problem but there’s

IMHO Jezebel was out there fanning the flames.

You know what, good on that shady doctor for bilking these assholes out of their money.

Whoever is responsible for editing Tati’s videos needs to be fired because that rambling, self-indulgent, sophomoric pity sketch could have been wittled down to less than 50 seconds and we would have found her just as annoying, shallow, and immature.

Sounds like someone’s salty that their basic-bitch Instagram photo got called out.

Sure, Jan.

Well you could have just started your post with, “I’m ok with people buying their way into the UC system.” And saved us time from reading your justification bullshit.