Janet Snakehole

glory be to riri on high forever and ever amen

If you’re both grown ups, it shouldn’t be a competition. People have pasts, and those paths include other people. One can care about an ex without being hung up on them.

This baby is seventh in succession for the throne. Everyone else needs to abdicate immediately. England needs a biracial commoner on the throne. It’s time.

I’ll never forget it. 2007 in health class we were watching a documentary about sexual assault and some asshole bully started making fun of how gross it was and how the girl was ‘too ugly to rape’ and my cool stoner dude neighbor stood up and told him to shut the fuck up in the middle of class. Just wanted to share

I say this and i mean this with every fiber of my being: fuck these traitorous cunts. Fuck each and every one of them.

she’s revealing her experience to protect an abuser, and to put him in an even higher level of power.

So ostentatious. What happened to her not posting about her wealth on social media after the robbery? I guess the pull of narcissism won.

Kanye has gone full step-and-fetch house negro to try to secure the drunk frat bro / sorority girl cash flow.

When he said "Ronan Sinatra" !!!

I liked the part where Kanye motioned at Michael Che to agree with him and even Che was like “Nope.”

Are we going to talk about Kanye wearing a MAGA hat and getting booed by the audience for giving a pro-trump rant? He literally said the Democrats planned to take black fathers out of homes and put them on welfare. WTF? I guess most of it never made it on air but Chris Rock posted a video of it, it’s pretty cringey.

When Grassley said, “Well I’m hard as hell,” I died. And then when Kennedy called the female prosecutor Miss Frizzle, I died again.

When he said “I’m a keg is half full type of guy” I almost fell off my chair. Brilliant. (Even though Matt Damon has shown himself to be pretty ignorant of his own white male privilege in the past)

She’s not a prison reform advocate though. Selectively targeting two individuals for pardons isn’t prison reform. 

We will not be defined by social media”

Not sure who let that moron-thing out of the greys .,..

You’re so fucking stupid, dude. Consider suicide.


By your logic we shouldnt trust this Jimmy Bennett as anything more than extortion right? Except in both cases the claims were heavily vetted by the media you disparage and Weinstein is actually facing criminal charges because she wasnt the only one to speak up.
