Janet Snakehole

Also, as a gay man, I don’t appreciate everyone being so precious about queer characters getting killed, especially on a show like The 100, which kills off characters indiscriminately. Don’t use my sexuality as a shield for your favorite characters.

Ugh, it’s the *type* of criticism she gets that determines whether or not it’s feminist. Like, are you calling her a fat sextape whore? Not feminist! Or are you making a valid criticism (see above)?

You’re trolling is suuuuuper weak.  Lol.

Gunn addressed the jokes a while ago though, apologized, deleted the jokes, and didn’t make more.

None of the films she’s been the lead have been successful without another larger star being in the film as well. This movie will tank just like Ghost in the Shell did.......

See, now this take is just plain lazy, since it requires about .5 seconds of reading to discover the response to this very often repeated fallacy. Stars don’t get made until someone puts them in a starring role, so there will never be a “star” trans actor until someone gives them a goddamn starring role- and what

But she’s a terrible actress. 

If Scarlett was hoping to win an Oscar for this role, the bad publicity surrounding the movie has completely blown that out of the water. That, and she’s a mediocre actress.

All these straight white men with their hard-ons for disruption can go eat a bag of dicks. 

I kept trying to figure out what I’d done to deserve this.

Why do they even have to respond? That said, no one likes getting cold-called for anything.

Is it really that much of a “nightmare” to tell people they can’t stay for free at your hotel? Just come up with a form email to copy and paste, ffs. Something like “If you would like to make a reservation, here is the link to our website.” What the hell is there to lose by doing that?’

How YOU doin’ Tim Chung?

Is he 16?

“I like him cause he’s honest” = “I like hearing my shitty opinions coming from someone else’s mouth because I feel it validates them”

Kylie Jenner brought out a hot pink wig and ‘grammed it with the Mean Girls quote: “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom.”

Thank god we have a victim-blaming man’s opinion here! I mean, if only she’d look into it a bit more, she’d see that the men have it just as bad! Oh well, what more can we expect from some “moron” who just wants to be treated like a human being?

Why are you offended by her being drunk? She wasn’t driving. She was a little salty to the officer and who hasn’t been there.

My friend and I have a shorthand word for those shows that are not just great, but all-time-great-seriously-I-pity-you-if-you-haven’t-seen-and-or-disagree-great. We say that show is “pantheon”. The Wire, BSG, Breaking Bad, Deadwood....