Janet Snakehole

Part of his whole shtick was because he thought black men were ‘corrupting’ white women. Which probably means some woman he liked chose a black man over him.

Rick decided to sew his own asshole shut and live inside of a bird.

One could say the same to Diana.

Charles was fucked over by his father’s expectations, Diana and Camilla were both fucked over by Charles’ lack of spine. Hurt people hurt people, as the therapists say.

I don’t think celebrities are necessarily obligated to voice political concerns, but when TS uses feminism as marketing, I think she somewhat opens herself up to this kind of criticism.

After separating them, should they be equal?

How Saudi Arabian of you.

Exactly this. I just keep thinking, “Now his supporters get to say that he pays his taxes.” I feel like it did way more harm than good.

I hope the short-term ratings boost was worth it, Rachel =\

40 is only 3 years away for her, so what?! Knees are OK and tights are professional with a blazer or dress shirt. We are entering the prime of our lives  and we all will not look like Diane Keaton, who is  awesome, but is probably living by the decades code of what is acceptable. That time is gone. 

The Prince episode is so great. And unlike some celebrity cameos it’s so fluid, because he was a fan of the show and the whole thing only happened because he felt like it. Zero thirst, great taste.

Who is Jesse?

The way this season is going, I’d be really surprised if Nick and Jess aren’t back together by the finale.

The Nick and Jess relationship was the high point of the series. When they were stuck in the room together after playing ‘True American’ remains the best episode ever.


That’s too bad, I like the show a lot. I hope it’s not true but if it is, I hope the finale is worth the years I put into it. Don’t let me down!

I haven’t watched the show ever since Nick and Jess split. I mean, why even pull that trigger? Because then you’re stuck with them under the same roof and then what? Oh, well. At least we had a few episodes of Nick and Jess bliss.

You don’t shoot the messenger because of the message.

Huh? You think we should respect everyone’s dumbass opinions? Are you one of those No Punch Poor Nazi! folks?

You’ve been drinking the kool aid I see. There’s NO evidence that any of what he’s released is actually real but you believe it because it’s the internet. Lmao. The world is laughing at you and your support of a rapist.