Janet Snakehole

Because that is what we do now. We can’t let people do anything good in this world without sifting through their past to find a reason to vilify them.

This is a distraction.

HELL YES. If I read more think piece about the plight of the middle class white man, I will kill someone. Those lazy ass motherfuckers only had their precious manufacturing jobs because they excluded minorities and women in the forties, fifties, and sixties.

Let’s all pledge to become better. spend a little more time caring, hungry for the truth. Only us the people can make this better

because a fucking polio outbreak is exactly what 2016 needs


Shhhh....let them be. For many, Beauty and the Beast was the awakening of many Furries.


....I...I don’t...huh.


I don’t care how petty it is, I am here for Chyna dragging Wendy Williams.

Late to the party but

The oldest is Eleven, obviously and the little one who won’t look in the camera is Eleven’s favorite meal. :P

My child made this costume via bits and pieces from goodwill. concept came from this album cover (in the aeroplane over the sea:)

My son is going as Eleven.

Linus as Pooh

because Adele is a girl, therefor girls can’t swear

Also a bitch and a slut. These things are just givens. 

I can assure you ladies that if you are a woman and you are from planet earth who breathes air then you’re a whore.