Janet Snakehole

“I consider myself to be more respectful to women than the average guy”

Yeah, god forbid you just like an artist and/or are pleased when they do well. Brace yourself for a lot of “well, actually...” :-/

Wait Drake beat Beyonce? That hurt bearded boy shit really does work.

I refuse to believe they are banging now.

Okay, Jennifer.

Lady Gaga is a musician. Madonna is a performer. Dismissing Gaga’s musical talent over her (weaksauce) gimmicks is missing out on her serious pipes and musical training. Madonna can’t sing for shit and never could.

The people planning to vote for him(?)

Never going to happen. These paunchy rednecks aren’t revolutionaries. They’re old, middle-aged white guys who watch too much TV. These fucking guys are going to take on the U.S. military?? Fuck.

She is kind of terrible, but that’s sort of the point. Like, she really does have serious issues. In one of the later episodes she sings this lounge number called “You Ruined Everything, You Stupid Bitch,” and it is fucking heartbreaking.

Greg is terrible but I ship it anyway. At least he’s like, the tiniest bit self-aware about his problems. Josh is a helpless child, and Rebecca needs to go back to therapy (NOT just with the dream ghost) and get her head sorted out for real.

They’re fancy too!

I know I shouldn’t love Greg but he gave me my anthem “Settle for me” and for that I love him

They’re both very flawed. Team Darryl & White Josh 4 Lyfe!

Did anyone else feel like the ad campaigns for this movie using Black Lives Matter footage were super tacky? I get where they’re going with it, the historical context is relevant to what’s happening now, but ultimately they’re using a social movement (and indirectly, the deaths of black men) to sell tickets.

Oh like hell it wasn’t intentional.

Boy, you sure OWN that horrible taste of yours. Impressive!

I mean, it’s a really terrible show, though. Like painfully bad.

They are, indeed, funny and smart. The show that surrounds Them is a real turd.

He doesn’t think what he did was rape. His victim failed to say no hard enough, so it was acceptable for him to keep pushing her. It’s what men do! Whereas a slave being raped by owners is awful and horrible and deserves total condemnation.