Janet Snakehole

You sound like you have a lot of anger toward a woman who has never done anything to you and doesn’t know you exist. I would maybe talk to someone about that.

oooo girl, now THAT was some shade

Thank you.

She had a knee injury that had already been talked about. It is very common for athletes, when talking about why they underperformed, to mention injuries. I call bullshit on this woman talking about her injury being “whining” or in any way “taking the credit away” from Pliskova. Serena is a sore loser? Lol, yeah, ok,

Tom wanted the relationship to be more public than she was comfortable with.

Ann Coulter bombed and Phyllis Schlafly died. What a weekend!

Jewel’s response is lovely:

I can’t imagine the psychological position of having filmed a rape scene informed by one’s own experiences and then to find out that the writer and director who helped create it were also accused of rape. Moral vertigo.

Taylor Swift, eh?

How have you never seen Power Rangers?!


Hear me out because I mean this sincerely: if she could become a Lifestyle Expert as a Single Woman in her late-30s, she might actually have a viable business. She’s 35, unmarried and has no children. And maybe she’s been relatively under-the-radar for long enough that she could get a re-view from the public? I mean

I don’t know if you're just being a contrarian but you need to fall back. This isn't your hill to die on.

In all honesty don’t most celebrities act this way though?

Did they suck the fart out?

Not sure why you’re trying to be a jerk either.