Janet Snakehole

That’s what a lot people say to excuse it and downplay abuse.

your delusions are so sad.

Yeah, you’re the ONLY person on this thread that could possibly have issues in your family with molestation or people doubting children. God knows the a preponderance of accusations are lies /s.

Do you also stick your fingers in your ears and go lalalalalala when you don’t want to hear something?

Even if you say he’s not a rapist his creepy-as-fuck marriage is still an example of predatory, though not illegal, sexual behavior. He is a disgusting human being, but people ignore that because he is a rich white guy ARTIST.

1. Mia never went to the police about the allegation of sexual abuse.

Read this, you dipshit, and learn something.

Because he's crazily manipulative. Have you ever seen her interviewed? She parrots everything he says.

It makes them pedophiles if you were a child.

Yes? That seems to be a recurring thing, like Polanski making movies about barely pubescent girls. Directors’ personalities, quirks, fetishes, everything, tend to become recurring themes in their movies, so the fact that Allen continually makes movies about ever older men seducing women young enough to be their

(except his wife was playing Kristen’s mother in the movie she was making at the time)

I’d respect her more if she just said, “Yeah, I don’t care. I want to make a Woody Allen movie.” She has plenty of company.

I guess it made it easy for her to fuck her married director because Kristen didn’t know his wife. She was just some amorphous concept and no one that Kristen had to concern herself with.

Rape culture, everybody.

I think the real tragedy here is that we will be subjected to another 72 episodes of ‘Big Bang Theory’.

He had to approve the songs before release.

Has anyone considered that the poor woman was probably just having a good hair day and that the world doesn’t actually revolve around Bey Z?

Well, the entire album from his wife, who is entitled to musically eviscerate him. But do you really think that if, say, Bieber put out a scathing album about an ex his, fans wouldn’t tear her to shreds? Regardless as to whether they had reconciled?

Is that what he calls you, his vanilla lemonade! Level, easy? I’LL SAY, you trollop!

What if...okay what if...guys guys what if...what if food ate people?