Janet Snakehole

I’m very tired of the idea that moms have to be 100% dedicated to their children— especially their small children— and never let them leave their side or enjoy anything without them. What happens when your kids grow up and leave home (which they will) and you’ve spent the last 20 years erasing your identity to become

You keep on thinking every woman in society is personally responsible for keeping your man committed to you. Hint: They aren't.

No, actually. I am simply tired of other women always blaming the other woman (who is not responsible for looking after your personal committment) while the man gets off the hook even though he is the one who willingly broke his committment. Going after the other woman is stupid, sexist, and continues to contribute to

Look it’s very apparent you’re hurt, and I feel for you. I have been cheated on and it SUCKS. But you know what I did? I directed all my anger at my boyfriend because he’s the prick who went out and fucked other women while he was supposed to be committed to me. Do I like those other women? No. But I don’t blame them

I disagree with you because the other woman is in fact doing nothing legally or morally wrong. She isn’t cheating on her partner. It’s not her responsibility to keep the husband true to his marriage contract.

Clearly the “hive” is alive and well on Jezebel.

Both parties bear responsibility, but the brunt of it lies with the person breaking a vow. I also don’t see how any of what you said is comparable in any way. Sleeping with a married man is not the same as hiding that your friend killed someone or shopping with stolen money. That’s ridiculous. Bottom line it isn’t

But what happens when the cheater tells the side chick, “Oh, we have an open relationship, it’s fine,” and you don’t find out until his wife writes a fucking song about it?

I’m sorry that it happened to you, and the other woman seems like a dick. But yes, she doesn’t owe you anything, and I think that, someone who feels happy and commited doesn’t cheat. So yes, she is insecure and probably a mean person, but it doesn’t reflect on you. You have nothing to do with that, and your value is

Wow. So it’s okay to call a 16 year old and a 7 year old sluts and whores because of the actions of the adults around them? That’s fucking bullshit and you know it. That’s just as fucking stupid as “she was wearing a short skirt! she asked for it!”

This is such bullshit and you know it

Have you been cheated on? She doesn’t owe Beyonce anything.


So far everything I’ve seen has been attacking her. Jay remains within Beyonce’s protective bubble, I guess.

Yeah how dare some old bitch get mad at people calling her a whore and talking shit to her kids!

More than scary, I'd say they're fucking pathetic losers.

Beyonce superfans frighten me. That’s a level of crazy no one should have to deal with.


1) She isn’t a man

You sound nice