Janet Snakehole

Well, we already know he’s drinking piss.

It kind of sucks that of all characters, Noah was the one who didn’t have an arc.
(I’ll show myself out, thanks.)

Lavern is QUEEN, though. Hot DAYUM

Idris Elba is one of those celebrities I would love to meet in person, because everyone always says how wonderful and charming he is.... but I know it can never happen. Its like looking into the sun, I would be a blind, drooling mess in like 5 seconds flat.

Oh man, it just keeps getting better. I never ever ever want Rob and Chyna to break up.

How about using his mugshot like every other major news outlet?

For fuck’s sake, stop defending ignorance.

So by Kanye’s logic, North and Saint wouldn’t exist but for Ray J???

Porn stars’ husbands shouldn’t make fun of strippers.

#TeamBlacChyna fo’ real. Tyga grosses me out.

The men were busy!

And for most of existence, women haven’t had the privilege of not showing up. No matter how sick or busy, they couldn’t stop mothering. Women have been working around the clock, rain or snow or plague or shine, for millenia.

Honestly, I think it’s because as a female you are worried you’ll be judged if you don’t show up. Dudes just take for granted that they can stay home when they are sick, their kid is sick, or it’s dangerous to travel.


Because she's got 3 1/2 pounds to lose before she can get a meeting.

Calm down there, Satan.

I love Aerie so much. Unapologetically. I buy all my underwear there. It fits amazing, goes through the wash like a champ, and has cute patterns. I don’t need sexy barely-there undies, I want ones that cover my whole ass. 7 pairs for $26 is also pretty fucking amazing. This campaign just solidifies my love of them.