I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.
I’d be mad if I paid for first class and got moved to coach too.
There are, by my count, two ways to change these parameters: become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.
...become a good rapper who makes good songs, or get out of the way to make space for someone who will.
I am here for Zac Efron’s “hot phase.” Damn.
That must be the most infuriated she’s been in all her 4 years as a Seahawks fan.
“Why is Jennifer Lawrence nominated for that average performance in a very very average film?”
If she wins instead of Brie Larson, I am gonna be pissed. I generally don’t get too into movies/TV shows, but I’ve loved Brie since seeing her in United States of Tara.
the one nom she 100% deserved was winters bone, SLP she deserved around 90% and then it has decreased year by year
I love chiwetal ejiofor but out of all his roles, the martian doesnt realltly merit a nom
Hey, the Academy is at least admitting that science fiction is a legitimate genre. I’m pulling so damn hard for Mad Max and The Martian.
Who cares? When you’re preparing food that hundreds of people are going to eat, you can’t just throw concerns about sanitation into the wind like this.
I thought he was funny. He’s a comedian, paid to tell jokes that will most certainly offend someone every time. He doesn’t need to end every joke with “just kidding!” We all know he’s kidding! I thought his jokes were very safe, so he seemed kind of bored. I've seen clover upset people with her jokes before and refuse…
I’m so confused, The Martian is a comedy??
Ex Machina, back to back with Mad Max.
So you speak for all “foreigners”?
Jennifer Lawrence won for Joy? How awful. Even the previews looked terrible. I’m so tired of her playing parts that should go to actresses that are older than her.
Most people don’t even know Fruitvalle Station. They think Creed is good because it’s funny, it has heart, and looks and sounds great. It’s also nice to see a movie where the previous star willingly takes a backseat to his replacement.
I’m just terribly excited for Lady Gaga. How fabulous would it be to win a major award for your first major acting role? And I’ve really enjoyed watching her on AHS. I almost hate to say it, but I actually haven’t missed Jessica Lange this season.
She’s an average looking white woman under 35 with slightly above average talent for her age bracket; the world is her oyster.
Does Jennifer Lawrence just need to be in a film to win?