Janet Snakehole

“But the female mind has demonstrated a capacity for all the mental acquirements and achievements of men, and as generations ensue that capacity will be expanded; the average woman will be as well educated as the average man, and then better educated, for the dormant faculties of her brain will be stimulated to an

A-fucking-men. These types of comments are very good at cherry picking which athlete/actor to hold up against that standard. This isnt a court of law. Also, ALWAYS TRUST THE VICTIM.

For real. Caitlin Moran is as feminist as Donald Trump.

I fucking can’t

I still love Olivia & Fitz stuff. Kerry and Tony are so hot together, it makes my knees weak. But of course, it’s only good when they CANT have each other.

Agreed. Jezebel always finds a way to find so many faults for Gaga, no matter how great she is. Its tiring and boring.

Right. But its very important to pin women against each other. Thats what matters.

I’m just waiting for it to come out that he’s one of those “all lives matter” Trumpsters. Also, the whole abandonment of cat and their dog was just unacceptable to me.

When he got together with Olivia Munn, his family told him they didn’t trust her and thought she wasn’t with him for the right reasons. That made him furious, and he ended up choosing Olivia over his family.”

How can two seemingly decent actors be THIS bad at generating any real chemistry or heat between them? So so soooooooo awkward.

Link please. I need a palate cleanser.

You honestly think Ted Cruz has ANY integrity? He endorsed that rotten pumpkin for one reason only:

Johnny Depp is a popular, some even say “hot” white, rich male. Nothing is ever their fault ever.

He always tries so hard.

Unfortunately. What a forgettable movie.

I’m crediting this film for making me never touch drugs. No joke. Saw it back in high school, then another time in college with a friend. It horrified me to no end.

Sounds like a whole bunch of shitty excuses. They already got rid of their elderly cat because Chris Pratt didnt wanna scoop poop...or hire someone to scoop poop. Fuck both of them.

They were together for a while, but then she got into the weird older hipster dude phase. Chris Martin? Darren A?