Janet Snakehole

Seriously fuck both of them. They have more than enough money to take care of their pets. I have 3 cats and am planning on getting pregnant soon. Husband and I already discussed the poop duties. No excuses.

you win.


You win. Best album ever. EVER. EVER.

They are the most rehearsed, the most perfect couple in history of celebrities. I wonder what they are actually hiding?

Maybe if the show didn’t insult viewers intelligence by switch n bait S6 finale, we would look at Negan differently. I mean, there is still an entire season to actually give him some complexity, so I think its unfair to sum him up as a typical good vs evil, without shades of gray type villain.

Lady Gaga can cure cancer and solve ALL world wars and Jezebel would still talk shit on her. She cant win here. Period.

“She’s a nice lady.”

So true about Greg. He’s awful and he knows it.

I’ll take bitter cynic over douchey manchild ANY day.

I was so on board with the show. I actually really like Rebecca’s character, despite her being awful. I found her awfulness refreshing and most of the music numbers are awesome. I even like Greg in all his cynic, depressed glory. He is literally every man I have ever met. But then we get to this NEVERFUCKINGENDING

Im ignoring how ugly and unflattering those pants are on the account of EVERYTHING else. Her skin is incredible.

On what planet is this healthy??

Didn’t someone try to wear flats at Cannes film Festival and got banned?

That’s just terrifying. Poor Kim. Also avoid any facebook/twitter/youtube comment sections. I have never seen a mob so savage, so blood thirsty wishing this woman was shot dead. Never mind that she has small kids, family that would miss her, that she’s a human f*cking person....this is someone they have never met in

she’a Becky.

Sometimes, there is literally no words. None whatsoever. Just rage and rage some more.

Where did I go wrong?
I lost a friend
Somewhere along in the bitterness
And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life