Janet Snakehole

look no further. they are and its UGLY.

If you dont wanna get raped, dont wear a short skirt. Sit the fuck down you basic troll.

That transcript....Jesus Christ. Just awful.


Since when is treating people with basic common decency “left wing orthodoxy?”

Pervert defends a pervert. News at 9.

He snapped his own spinal cord and died. Duh.

He is the male equivalent of Blake Lively.

Louisiana is open carry state. Right to bear ONLY white arms tho.

I have never in my life seen a brilliant start to an interesting show derail SO BAD. After season 1, its literally unwatchable. Amnesia Eric? King Bill? Maenad season? Werepanthers? Trippy faery shit?

I was done with her after she posted that UGLY slut shaming tweet that unleashed a FURY of gross misogyny.

The more she opens her big mouth, the more it becomes ok to genuinely dislike her.

Nick Young WANTED to be caught. Its that simple. Shitty because you can just break up with her then bang others...but there is a thrill for some fucks in being caught.


Laverne Cox my god


Unless he kills her in a fit of lover’s rage. Aside from Lyssa Arryn, Little Finger always had a cold, calm, cool demeanor...but with Sansa..could be different. He sees Cat in her and he’s obsessed.