Janet Snakehole

I think Lyanna whispered Jon’s ACTUAL name, which if I can read lips somewhat, it was A LOT longer than just simple Jon Snow, which is what Ned gave him to protect him. I think thats the next big discovery when Bran finally returns to Winterfell.

Soundtrack and Ryan Goslin’s bomber jacket. Thats it.

I cant take any movie seriously that used a snapchat filter for makeup effect.

I hate myself for loving all this tea.

She is pregnant in that photo tho.

He didnt love her, kinda cheated on her, dumped her and now HE feels betrayed? Calvin Harris is a definition of a FUCKBOY.

Religion and ideology. Have you seen what Isis does to gays?

Fucking preach it. Robb Stark thinking with his dick caused an array of irreparable consequences for ENTIRE Westeros. Ned just wasn’t thinking AT ALL. They caused their family’s downfall in every way imaginable.

you’re welcome.

Sansa is still learning. I think managing to survive was one of her biggest lessons. Now its time to lead and she hasnt had much training there. Its gonna take time. Unless they kill her off.

Well, I would hope after the unnecessary, gratuitous rape and season after season of weak men LITERALLY destroying the world, women finally get their due. This season is definitely FIRE :)


That was my thought too. Her sexuality seems very fluid.

The whole time Lyanna Mormont was on my screen. And fuck yes im shipping her with Rickon Stark.

former blue lives matter too. hashtag or whatever.

I’ve done that too. If you dont wanna waste it, just salt it a bit afterwards, on cut pieces themselves. It helps a LITTLE.

amen to this.

Whenever I see or read someone shaming Beyonce for her personal choices.

I believe every single word.