Janet Snakehole

“Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked, is mine.”

One of Lonina’s friends saw the Periscope stream and contacted the police.

I personally LOVED her in Interview with Vampire. If you can upstage both Tom Cruise & Brad Pitt...you got something special.

I dont know, I dont know....the way he kissed Rachel Mc Adams on True Detective...I got all kinds of misty in private areas. He looks like a great lay.

How does Sean Penn keep scoring these chicks??? How big is this dude’s dick? I mean, it cant be the personality.

First season was AMAZING (when Lucious put Jamal in the garbage, I cannot remember the last time I cried SO HARD for a tv show) and Taraji is my fucking Queen of Life...but its getting ridiculous. This is corny daytime soap opera territory. I just cant. Why do shows with an interesting premise and very very very

Too bad for Gavin & Gwen. They seemed so normal & natural, but marriage is a complicated thing. You never know what goes behind closed doors. Since they got kids, its nice to see them acting like actual adults.

This. I cant sympathize. “Im beautiful, please feel sorry for me.”

What a load of woman blaming shit.

Jane could have been awesome if another actress had portrayed her or if she was written better. The whole damsel in distress while a PHD scientist shtick was not believable & infuriating. Especially in The Dark World. Natalie Portman is obviously talented, but as Jane? Just no. Romantic aspect was literally the worst

oh how fucking gross of Kelly.

Whenever someone calls themselves a “humanist” when discussing feminism, its on par with screaming “all lives matter” at a black lives matter rally.

Ted Cruz loving, anti gay marriage criminal on a critically acclaimed show about LGBTQ issues? REALLY?


Where is this demand for active wear coming from?? Are people working out that much?? Fucking Instagram.

I’m sorry but its getting REALLY creepy (more than usual) referring to this adult woman as a baby. I know its for shits n giggles but still.

If women genuinely think this photo advocates women’s rights & equality, then feminism as it was intended is dead.

Had they stuck with the books, the show would have been in a much better place now. George Martin wrote misogyny in the way that made sense for the time period while not being gratuitous. HBO does it just for the shock sake. And the women pay the price.