Janet Snakehole

The 100 kills off important characters regularly. Its pretty much PG13 version of Game of Thrones. There are OTHER gay & bi characters on the show. Alycia was a GUEST star.

You mean the Walmart of young adult dystopia filled with more plotholes than a mesh t-shirt, no pace, thrill or tension, loaded with bullshit genetic science author didnt bother to research, featuring the queen of Special Mary Sues and shitmouth Hansel Engort didn’t do well or capture the audience in the same way as

Hey now! That would require the author to build a world, explain how the system came to be and use common sense. Who the fuck cares tho? Tris is special and this is her world.

Wait a minute. That would mean Tris is not.....special????

Of all the YA dystopia type books i’ve read over the years, Divergent series is by far the most infuriating, frustrating..and most boring (particularly Insurgent) series ever. When you make Twilight look like fucking Tolstoi, you know what time it is. At least Twilight built a world. Its success can be attributed to

Nothing on Storm huh? I’m dying to see her done right. Nothing against Halle Berry, but I cant. I just cant.

Lucky for him that he’s prettier than most people. Otherwise, bleh. I wouldn’t shit on fangirls. They can make or break you.

Wow did that escalate or what?

Since she’s alive and recovering, im just gonna:

When I saw picture of Alex Turner next to that headline, my insides died.

Who cares? Her comment was so gross & sexist.

Olive Garden makes me wanna kill myself. Mainly because i haven’t taken a shit in 7 days after eating there.

I like Olivier Rousteing a lot & everything about him. He’s beautiful, talented, multi ethnic, gay, young and ton of fun (according to his Instagram posts & interviews I read) but I just hate his fashion aesthetic for Balmain. I guess I dont “get it.” This crap is grossly overpriced, ugly, tacky and makes 5'10" 100lb

It got worse. Didnt think it was possible, but it got worse.

There’s a solid chance that, if these shows are getting rebooted, phenomenal stuff is being passed over in their favor. And I mean, for what? Nostalgia? Ironic “enjoyment” by the internet meme set? It’s just ridiculous.

Something like this?

Can you imagine a piss break then? Gotta take it ALL off. That just sounds exhausting. Godforbid you’re drunk at a bar.