Joseph Skeate

Pretty much sums up my mindset on large projects

Any programmers going for a Masters/PhD in computer science want to join up with some researchers?

I can just foresee it being used for examining confounders. It's one thing when you ask a post-chemo/irradiation patient to report what their level of activity is vs actually having some kind of data. I'm not aiming for NEJM, Cell, Blood, or Nature anytime soon, I can live with my 5-8 impact factor journals for the

Agreed, it might be biased on income... but I still think there will still be value in looking at the immune systems of those that record more physical activity (using our clinical immune outputs and crossing it with the motion data).

I now want to use the researchkit and incorporate it somehow into clinical trials... This looks like a great system for getting that micro-data we need.

Darn, too far out of my price range...

Oh, my finger is twitching today... wonder why.

10 points to Drealmar.

Tried it on, looked up the background of the person, dismissed it.

Hmm... a little out of left field, but if that's how you want to interpret it then go ahead.

Sorry bub, if you want to say those things on my reply chain you need to provide citations that have been peer reviewed.

This guys eyebrows are amazing...

"Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'" - Isaac Asimov

Here's an meta-pro tip, check these books out from the local library instead of buying them!

Have you been to Golden Road Brewery in LA yet? That in itself is a pretty good excuse for a visit for beer.

Now playing

Honestly, you're still susceptible to other genotypes. There's a reason the flu shots have multiple target proteins and have to be updated yearly. For example, if the flu you had gotten over was H2N3, you're still susceptible to H1N1 or anything that is not H2N3. There is 'some' cross-protectivity between different

Hi Nico, there are also other people who actually cannot get the flu shot because they are immunocompromised. So lets say Grandpa Joe is unable to get a flu shot because they are in the middle of chemotherapy to treat the cancer they are already battling.

I just get questioned about A and B, and it's my go-to. explanation. The Giz had a good article about the vaccine last week or so and didn't want to rehash info from that post.

"Your flu could become their flu."

See how you even stated here that being an asshole that attacks you personally isn't going to get you to listen? I noticed another comment like this and called them out on it, there were no assumptions about you.