Joseph Skeate

Good call! Thank you!

I have a great question on this. Where can you find reasonably priced Tahini in Seattle?

Gardasil and cervarix went all the way through a phase 3 (and redone phase 3) clinical trails... Advil, Tylenol, and Bayer Aspirin wouldn’t even make it through phase 1 in this day and age.

I cannot answer the insurance question since I have no idea why they wouldn’t cover a treatment/prevention of cancer. My stance is get vaccinated, I am, and I recently recieved a booster with G-9 (I’m 30). 300 bucks is way less than chemo or RT in the long run.

Nope, you need expression of E6 and E7 to cause cellular transformation, and that would require DNA. What the vaccine is made up of is purified L1 capside protein and an adjuvant to help the immune system kick into gear. The vaccine would never be able to mimic the actual virus, there is no genome or L2 capsid protein

The L1 capsid protien of HPV16 is one of the most immunogenic proteins that has ever been studied. You an induce an amazing t-cell response with only 1 vaccination that will produce a good number of memory t-cells in HLA-A2 positive people (MHC molecule of ~40% of all humans). Many of the top researchers have

Doesn’t require sexual intercourse. It requires a chemical or physical disruption to the epithelium that causes a microwound and seeding of virions (this allows immediate access to basal epithelial cells, target cells for successful infectious cycle because the lifecycle of HPV is dictated by the mRNA profile of

If you ask should still be able to get the vaccine if you’re above the “recommended age.” The international HPV conference is going on this September in Lisbon, and last year in Seattle one of the major topics was switching from pap-smears and HPV DNA testing to HPV DNA testing as the primary method of detection in

Heading home, feel free to leave a question and I’ll try to answer them tomorrow!

HPV researcher here. I’d be happy to field questions for the next hour... then I’m heading home from the lab.

I’ve taken up the “bike to the gym, workout, bike to work” mantra... but I can’t imagine the pollution levels in LA are that great at 6 pm when I’m heading back.

Neato vac link seems to be broken.

Neato vac link seems to be broken.

I want to see an update to the airport express some-point in the future.

Don’t even need to ditch the smartphone with Republic Wireless. I’m rocking a Moto G, only use data when I’ve got a WiFi connection.

So many of these things ring true with my own experience.

Totally going to swing by

A wild opposing viewpoint appeared!

If you like this sort of thing, you'll like this story from Reply All:

"Comprised of" is almost always used incorrectly in articles and blogs.

Must be a rare thing to find them in action (read opening sentence and imagine).