
So Jesus was a rapper? Who knew?

Remember Indiana Jones. Does that look like the cup of a carpenter/philosopher? Christ according to the bible wasn't a fancy guy.

Ugh. Okay, I watched "Akira" back then and loved it because it was pretty much all we had at the time. But it's been eclipsed by so many other things (in animation, story, characterization, etc), and it's really not much to write home about anymore.

For a second there, the top pic looked like it belonged to a new Mortal Kombat film. Not sure if I'm disappointed or not.

Yeah, the Batman comics were a veritable blast of campy one-liners and lollipops like, all the time. Still are!

You apparently have only seen the "dark knight" batman films.

When you invent a god and a savior as generic as the Christian god and Jesus, you're able to hijack pretty much anything. Superman was sent by his father to Earth? Oh, that's totally Jesus.

I could not agree with you more. IMHO, Bruce Timm should have been put in the Joss Whedon role as the guru for DC's cinematic universe — I like Nolan, and his Batman movies were great, but there's not many people who just seem to get DC's heroes on the level that Timm does. He knows just how serious to be and how

Bruce Timm's Batman is inspired by Tim Burton's Batman.

Batman can still be somewhat dark but a more "fun" and colorful comic-booky way than the Nolan movies, just look at Batman: The Animated Series or Tim Burton's take on Batman.

Nolan's Batman was an atrocity and people are slowly starting to realize that it makes no sense. Superheroes are not real. Their powers are absurd. They aren't meant to be real and gritty because they don't make sense. They are about allegory and the audience's emotions. They work best as a source of entertainment,

"Whimsy." They need to retain a sense of whimsy.

You're too young to remember the campiness of Batman in the 60's that I consumed in syndication in the 70's. The original Batman of the 40's wasn't either campy or angsty, but just fun. Superman too has undergone transformations through the generations, but originated as basically a polemic of America. Here's an

Yeah, that's probably true. If they'd given Superman to people with a more light-hearted sensibility (but the smarts to do it without going too corny) it might have worked out better.

So............... this was an article about Whole Foods coming to Detroit. I'll admit, I didn't read EVERY line, but I gave it a chance. I'm still not sure if people are flipping good shit, or flipping bad shit, and I'm especially confused as to why it's on jalop. I did a marketing study about Whole Foods awhile back,

Maybe a nitpick, but if the question is "why do the giant Jaeger machines require two pilots to move?", then it seems to me the answer is:

Yeah. I REALLLLY want to like TASM, but I just don't.