
Why'd he have to shoot him? Just fuck 'em up if it was that serious.

Say whaaaaat???

"They are darker films but they are not suddenly pretentious and losing the mission. The joy of the thing is important: the exaltation, the nobility, the humour and the humanity. But you do need to bleed with these people a little bit or you won’t want to spend another day with them."

Oh yeah, because other than a murderous clown, Batman totally doesn't battle giant clay monsters, hulking crocodile men or have a group of comrades made up of space aliens, cyborgs, and a sea king.

Yeah, I'm sort of over these gravely serious, overly somber superhero movies.

The thing about Superman Returns - other than being boring - is that it was uncomfortable with the whole Clark's kid angle.

I know what you mean.

Ron Howard is a really interesting choice.

I wish I could recommend you twice.

I disagree. Maybe you mistook me to mean "fun" as in goofy but that's not really what I was trying to say. My fault.

As dark as that character has been interpreted, there's still a level of fun that can be had with a guy who enjoys beating the snot out of wrong-doers.

The guys who sucked all the fun out of Batman should never have been given the reigns over a more lighthearted and hope-filled character.

Exceptionally well done trailer.

She is gorgeous and this looks amazing.

Yeah, the theaters in my hometown up in Western NY are more in line with those single-digit prices.


I agree.

Statistics are great, but they mean nothing when it's your rear strapped in that seat bolted to a hunk of metal dropping to the Earth lol

I've read that the difference between SATA II & SATA III isn't very noticeable in typical use, unless you are transferring a lot of large files between machines. We're talking maybe a difference of 2 seconds in start up of the computer or applications.

I have not finished either of the Arkham games.