Why'd he have to shoot him? Just fuck 'em up if it was that serious.
Why'd he have to shoot him? Just fuck 'em up if it was that serious.
Statistics are great, but they mean nothing when it's your rear strapped in that seat bolted to a hunk of metal dropping to the Earth lol
I've read that the difference between SATA II & SATA III isn't very noticeable in typical use, unless you are transferring a lot of large files between machines. We're talking maybe a difference of 2 seconds in start up of the computer or applications.
I have not finished either of the Arkham games.
This is a great piece. I stream or go see (I actually enjoy going to the theater) all my films, and occasionally download an album - which if I like it I'll end up buying on a whim anyways once I have some extra cash.
I really want to get back into SimCity, and this seems to be the perfect release to do so with, but the plot size is really killing me.
I really want to play but I cannot get over this.
Reading some of these comments reminds me why I cringe whenever the subject of race is presented here on Kotaku.
Yeah, man. I had a friend from Pittsburgh send me a few Youtube links a few years ago and was blown away.
I'm interested in building my own PC sometime in the near future. I have a good idea of the purpose of all the pieces and rough idea of how to mix and match them for my needs.
I wonder if Corb liked Queensbridge
I was strongly considering purchasing this because I haven't played SC in ages but... no metropolis, no buy.
No Angelus?
That's exactly the way to go.
Anthony Mackie is going to bite a bullet, isn't he?
This is slightly besides off topic but, I have an enormous soft-spot for the original Drakengard. It was so weird but really cerebral, and dark, and atmospheric. The music was amazing too.
Right. There are even certain details in this promo that doesn't line up with the actual game. The voice actor in this commercial, for one, is different from what I can tell.
I thought for sure it would have been BIG designing this.
In itself, you're correct. Within the context of his comment (i.e. the steel mill photo and the dismissive tone of his words) that is what came across.
Close. It was Slash. Tokka had spikes that went outward (in the movie at least) and Slash had spikes that curved downward.