

Wow. I don't really care for the show myself (not a big fan of the format) but I never thought I'd see someone consider Kevin Smith a "real ass". He's a pretty affable and charming dude.

Truthfully, that's exactly what happened.

Completely agreed. He's so bland. I just have this deep dislike of looking at his face to where I can't watch his movies.

Yeah. I REALLLLY want to like TASM, but I just don't.

I am especially worried about Tron 3 because of #6.

Yikes. Hideous.

This is a great piece. I stream or go see (I actually enjoy going to the theater) all my films, and occasionally download an album - which if I like it I'll end up buying on a whim anyways once I have some extra cash.

Rochester native here. There are certainly portions of the downtown area that can stand in for NYC, but only if they're shooting closely to the cars.

Planes are big, heavy, and mighty looking. But they're essentially fragile machines that require a lot of things constantly going right in order to stay in the air

Now that I have Here, I've grown quite attached to my 8X.

Lol! That sounds absurd but you're probably right.

I gotta disagree with the concert thing.

I really want to get back into SimCity, and this seems to be the perfect release to do so with, but the plot size is really killing me.

I really want to play but I cannot get over this.

Reading some of these comments reminds me why I cringe whenever the subject of race is presented here on Kotaku.

Yeah, man. I had a friend from Pittsburgh send me a few Youtube links a few years ago and was blown away.

I think we're agreeing :)

Because to hell with quality, that's why! What do you think, we're going to learn from our past mistakes and build a bankable franchise on a solid foundation to ensure it's demand and profitability into the future?

I'm hoping that now that they're showing promo shots bursting with more light and color, and that they're filming completely in NYC, we'll get some of that bustling, bombastic tone that was missing in TASM.