Well, you win. Boring drives don’t seem so bad now.
Well, you win. Boring drives don’t seem so bad now.
Hi there! I’m Helen, Kristen Lee’s mom. Here is a photo of me with my 1983 Toyota Celica. It was the first car I…
Driving in San Francisco: the worst roads in the country, traffic is astronomical, bike lanes appear and disappear at random and all the drivers are texting and not paying attention. And then there’s no parking anywhere.
Try 99, there are at least a few more places to stop and look at all the signs bitching about water use restrictions.
Amen! These book educated folk clearly never learned anything about the file format. Maybe if they had have played the game of Limewire Roulette where you went, “Does this one look like a virus? Yep it was a virus.” they would know something.
Pffftttt. I didn’t spend countless days pirating music on dial-up Internet only to have some fancy “Institute” tell me my favourite file extension is dead.
I’d rather pay more to fly another airline. I’ll think of the price difference as an “standing by my principles fee.”
Fun fact: Parking garage floors are far more thin than the average person assumes them to be. More times than not, the floor is less than a few inches thick of concrete, reinforced with rebar. One can only hope the structural engineer took into account the additional weight of a full garage and adjusted the thickness…
omg i’m going in a works cited????
Yeah, I’d get my flat fixed somewhere else just on principle.
I live in Missouri and have no idea what Ruth’s Chris or sizzler is.
> In the US goods are cheap but labor is stupid expensive.
Yes because parking cars in a parking lot should be at the top of this area’s list of critical issues.
Cops are utterly worthless when it comes to car theft. Worthless. I had 2 cars stolen in California, 1 car broken into, and the cops are basically like “whatever...we’ll see what turns up but it happens all the time.”
I see far less weigh stations now than I did when I was a kid. Far less.
Where has the money gone?
With all the money in the world, nothing is going to change if the people in charge are going to continue mismanaging the money and take years over schedule to build a section of road.
GM part owner of lyft. At least lyft, and I think also GM, are sponsors of the site.
What is all this 40's noir detective junk?