I guess you forgot about this one, the milking robot.

Remember when they cast a blonde James Bond and almost everyone lost it? Remember how that turned out?

The best part of the original heroes series was Hiro. I'll argue that Hiro was the one bright note and humorous character in the first series. His optimism was infectious and rescued much of what was wrong with the rest of the cast.

This trope works best when it's turned on its head. Such as with Columbo. That show turned the smartest guy cliché on its head twice. First there was the fact that Columbo was a really nice guy. Annoying yes, but nice anyway. He also affected a persona that made his opponents underestimate him, thus getting them to

Might have missed it, did no one go for THE REALISTIC FOUR?
Might be exactly what is wrong with what we now know about this film. An attempt at bringing realism into a movie that should be FANTASTIC in every way. Not only its title should be fantastic, also its universe. And as Guardians of the Galaxy showed us all,

I disagree that Fantasy is dead on screen. On television it is very much alive by means of Game of Thrones. (A series I don't particularly care for myself.) And its success will create a lot of new series in its wake. (Outlander being one.)

The latest Podcast of Radiolab has one nice segment dealing with sign language. http://www.radiolab.org/story/translat… The translator tells about an episode in which she had to choose between registers (formal, informal, raunchy) in translating a comedy gig and made a choice which worked very well for the non-deaf

Too bad it is up to 46 now. Would like it to have stuck at 42. Thanks

He was absolutely fantastic, but they speech shows off the things I hate and love about the current Doctor. And make no mistake, I love Matt Smith's Doctor and I love the grandiosity of all this, but it also irks me. The megalomania of these current Doctors.

Some will argue it is this:
"Now, the question for the hour is, "Who's got the Pandorica?" Answer: I do. Next question: "Who's coming to take it from me?" Come on, look at me! No plan, no backup, no weapons worth a damn, oh, and something else I don't have: anything to lose! So, if you're sitting up there in your

The greatest and all encompassing speech is:

This is a very well written piece about a story that has gone past me for the past few months. Wasn't aware of Gamergate until very recently and since I'm not a gamer, I wasn't interested. Now that I've read this, I'm sorry that I didn't pay attention sooner. As a forty-plus white male who used to be into games, this

I'm only twenty pages in and I love it! Very funny. Well drawn. And good characters.

It barely qualifies as Science Fiction, but it has to be James Bond. Coolest killer, in any genre. He kills when necessary, but in the latest incarnation it is with reluctance. But he still does it.

Two words: Robert Crumb.

Fritz the Cat did nothing to me. But I watched Friday the XIIIth when I was twelve and a very dumb babysitter allowed me to watch it with her. I had nightmares for years, wasn't able to sleep unless huddled in a blanket cocoon, and haven't liked horror films ever since.

I don't know whether you should see this. I think the humor still holds up, but the shock value hasn't. Have seen worse, even in cartoons.

I rewatched it recently. Though I am a monogamous teetotaler who has never used illegal drugs in his life, I wasn't that shocked by it. I can understand it was quite revolutionary in its time and I wasn't ready for it at age ten. But it isn't shocking anymore. Though, the fact that I live in the Sodom and Gomorrah of

Yes, but the rating system works differently in the Netherlands. And I probably saw it on public television. One of our public broadcasters (VPRO) is quite progressive. They have more than once broken taboos (first full frontal nude woman on tv in the sixties, tv-shows about sex and drug use (Spuiten en Slikken (which