Chosen Undead

Gilgamesh. Let's face it, every other story is riding its coattails. :-D

I would be fascinated to see an interview with these people where they were afforded an opportunity to explain themselves. Are they merely staggeringly ignorant, and didn't know that what they were doing would cause irreparable damage? Did they know that they were causing damage, but thought their precious message

That really isn't something to gloat about.

You do not understand what Net Neutrality is. Or you're a robot spitting out random phrases. Either/or/both.

My favorite is the one where Neo actually hits his head leaving the telephone box at the end of The Matrix, and the two sequels are just a product of his unconscious, rabidly concussed, logic-compromised fever dreams.

Wikus! Ah, District 9 had the best character arc. Admittedly, I didn't end up liking him because he took a level in badass, but because he took several more levels in decency and self-awareness. He went from an oblivious little pencil-mustached bureaucratic troll to a determined, gravity gun-wielding alien hybrid who

I've never been more sure a throwaway character was going to die an awful, hilarious, deserved death early in the film. By the end... just wow.

Peter Bishop - Fringe. Couldn't stand him at first, but he did turn out well.

That's pretty cool. I believe the preferred nomenclature is casing for that piece of brass, though. The projectile is the bullet.

And I guess you can have a discussion with your kid on ethics.

Will you please - stop - making trailers for trailers, already, Hollywood......

Wait, so we had a teaser trailer, for a teaser trailer?

But you can choose your cable company.

The point of a CAPTCHA is to keep bots out. If a bot can correctly solve a CAPTCHA 99.8% of the time I'd say its broken. The only reason for someone to make the argument that it's not broken is if they like the current system and don't want it to change. Thus making you a robot.

you have to remember that every year they release a whole new game in a completely new setting with completely new characters

Yesterday, I got around to playing a Ubisoft game from 2008. It was beautiful, imaginative, fanciful, and unique. It was built on the back of strong character development, moment-to-moment gameplay, and a grand, epic sense of scale, of indomitable good versus ancient evil. It ended incomplete, unfinished, "to be

If this was right after AC2, I would be super excited for this.