Chosen Undead

Maybe the engine isn’t the issue. Maybe they just suck at basic things that seemingly every other developer in existence has a basic grasp on these days. It’s been 14 years and you still can’t climb a ladder without a f’ing loading screen. It’s been 14 years and their animation is still more wooden than a marionette,

Since I invested in a new PC for my self-gift for Christmas this year, DOOM ended up on the list of new games to grab and see how it holds up on state of the art technology. I snagged it during the Steam Sale and holy crap it’s been such a visceral pleasure to play (and look at) this game. I wouldn’t have expected

I rank Horizon alongside BotW as my two absolute favorite games this year.

Anyone seen a bonfire around these parts?

As someone who’s gotten roughly 167 fun hours strictly from the quickplay queue, I couldn’t disagree more. It’s very rare that competitive mind sets and toxicity overrule the fun factor of just having a good casual time. The rate at which I’ve encountered terrible people in QP is very low. They are out there, sure,

I’m still using a 36" 720p TV. I’m not entertaining any plans of upgrading to even 1080p, let alone 4K, until my current TV stops working (or some new universal input standard forces me to change if that happens first). It fits my space, it works, I’m content.

I’m still learning to not stand in front of Roadhog...pretty much ever. Unless I’m Zarya with an available barrier to pop.

Ah, well now that explains much

BotW also a lot less resource intensive than Horizon was. Let’s be fair, geometry and texture information is much lighter on BotW. I also didn’t feel much of a practical difference in load times either,but that might be it’s been a few weeks since I last loaded Horizon.

Definitely tried to. Some people dismissed my efforts as upsell on equipment or tried the whole “it’s just a couple of fish, not sure what the big deal is” line of reasoning. But not one saltwater fish left those tanks under my watch for any of those folks.

I was working aquatics department in a pet store when that movie was new. The number of people I had to repeatedly discourage from buying a couple clownfish and a cheap goldfish bowl was too damn high. I refused to sell them unless I felt comfortable the buyer knew what they were getting into. Thankfully, management

Wow, how do I regret ordering through iam8bit. The quality of the Rez vinyl, especially the book binding, is really bad. There’s no cloth binding keeping sigatures collated, and the strings binding the signatures together are almost certainly going to break as a result. There was also significant damage to the first

I don’t know if competitive is pointless, but Quickplay is where the fun is at. Comp is just stressful for all the reasons things that are competitive tend to be. People who take Quickplay too seriously are easily muted, so no big whoop, but they should really consider sticking to competitive if they are going into

I’ve had a copy of the Hyper Light Drifter OST on preorder for weeks. Been excited to own that, both because I love Disasterpeace’s OST work, and just because the HLD OST vinyl package looks incredible.

Is this serious? Because if you played for more than, like, only 90 seconds, you should already know the answer to this.

Nah it’s an experience that’s way better blind imo. If you do commit to getting the power cells you missed, it’ll go faster the second time around than you might expect.

I really enjoyed the armor designs, especially the Banuk sickness eater one. I loved that one. Rocked it for most of the game. Its headpiece is very similar to the one you posted, without the pelt over and around the head. Which wouldn’t work with Aloy’s design vision as written in the Art book, where her hair was to

tfw you’re playing as Ana, teammate asks for a heal, but bounces around like a hyperactive caffeinated cat the entire time you’re trying to load them up with darts.

Scored a Switch on Tuesday so now it’s all Zelda all the time for the foreseeable future. Might try to work through a bit more of Andromeda yet still, but I got that feeling it’s going to be a little while now before I fire it up again, unless the Xbox buddies yell loudly enough for a MP partner, but that’s not super

Horizon Revolutionary, maybe not. Nearing or even reaching the pinnacle of evolution of the open world genre as we currently know it? Highly possibly. Aside from the rather unique take on combat it doesn’t do much new, but it does everything it does do, all so damn well.