Chosen Undead

I get what you’re saying, definitely not expecting to coast through it, and being a longtime fan of the series I felt I had a pretty solid understanding of the mechanics and how to combo powers and all that good stuff, but I’m just not having a good time in this new entry for the most part.

Definitely went away from the endgame with the impression that the weaponized machines were indeed created in response to humans hunting the other robots, and Hephaestus was doing so on its own initiative once the tie to GAIA was severed. Problem is, I can’t recall now where this was brought up. It was either a

I didn’t say they were shooting through walls, I said decor for a very specific reason. Most specifically, the jungle world, where the enemy can move positions behind jungle foliage while landing 10/10 shots on my character while I can’t see shit of them, and if I move position they track perfectly even though they

Combat better than the previous games? Are we playing the same game? This combat is awful. Sluggish controls, imprecise aim, useless squad AI, incredibly narrow FOV, dodgy frame rates, and enemies being massive bullet sponges, and enemy AI that can aimbot through the environment decor are all things that immediately

You think Horizon has bad faces? I don’t see it but to each his own.

Link to the Past is very appropriately placed. It is, indeed, a perfect video game. Also enjoy seeing Link’s Awakening so highly placed. A pleasant surprise and hard to disagree with. It’s pretty deep and elaborate for a Gameboy game, especially for its time.

I don’t feel like I should be able to 1v1 a full-health D.va while using Zenyatta, as easily as it can be done now. Definitely wasn’t able to prior to the update. Since the update went through, I absolutely can, and that just doesn’t seem quite right.

Have Less than 5 minutes playtime on Sombra in both main modes combined, but the game has seen fit to deliver me every single skin she has. I can relate to that feeling.

This kind of stuff is why I have racked up over 100 hours in this game, almost none of it in Competitive. Everything I see makes it like a toxic shit show that forgets what fun in gaming means.

Found the D.va main.

It would be pretty funny though, if their solution to the issue was to put a kill box in that specific glitch area and not tell anyone about it, just let exploiters take care of themselves until they learned their lesson.

The biggest and most consistent issue for me on Xbox One has been this weird jittery movement and camera issue that starts to set in after the game has been running for more than a couple hours. Quitting/Closing the game and restarting it resolves it entirely but it will inevitably come back, especially if the console

Sold. PS4 has been letting me down.

Sold. PS4 has been letting me down.

Did not realize that this was a project in development. I am now quite a bit more interested in PSVR than I was before I had read about this one title.

I’m sure they are. Doesn’t happen overnight, or even over a week. Vetting and hiring people takes time. This isn’t a fast food kitchen we are talking about, they’re not going scraping minimum wage peons off of the street to fill any roles, or at least I would hope not.

I kept saying before release, that if it was ultimately just a glorified walking simulator I would be able to get my money’s worth out of it. That’s held very true. I’ve spent a similar full price on other games that felt even more unfinished and broken in their own shitty ways, but this one won’t be nearly as

“Only” 30 hours to reach the center? That seems reasonable. Have spent $60 on games that look around a third of that to see all the content available, so...

The decision to abandon a 3.5mm jack is non-negotiable for me. That makes the 6s the last iPhone I will ever buy.

Waiting for these to come to PS4. Anxiously await the day those insufferable Longs can finally —FINALLY— get what’s been coming to them.

Feels like the new survival mode has gone a long way toward helping it be more engaging experience, it’s just a shame that wasn’t part of the game from the first day. Am really liking survival but it doesn’t really do much to help with the ‘been there already’ feeling.