
The big fear for consumers is how T-Mobile and Sprint’s merger could negatively impact the price of wireless plans across the country.

Framerates? Maybe. Mouse and keyboard? Absolutely. Just a side note that if they DO add bots as a main mode, I’ll start playing this game. Bring back bots, online gaming is the absolute and utter worst. 

it’s really easy to defend it when the alternative is siding with people like you

How is bring a game to the Epic Store under any condition “screwing over the fans” exactly?

the most pure distillation of Kojima ever

The snark is there, but like, is it REALLY there? How much of this is the sensitive fee-fees of people who just REALLY want this to be on one store front to save some finger clicks and won’t admit they are fanboys of another product?

Because it deserves to brushed off. Get over yourselves and download the damn launcher if you want your game.


1) Buy game.

I’m pretty happy with the swap. I wouldn’t have bought Detroit but I’m interested to play it. PES is not something I’m at all interested in. I know it’s a big sport around the globe but it’s not for me. 

I mean...Steam makes people on-board into their ecosystem by the fact that pretty much every digital store on the internet sells exclusively Steam keys. Like, you want to play a game on the PC? 90% of the time, you will be forced to do so through Steam. And yet...no outrage, no anger, no cries of exclusivity, just

Steam makes a majority of its money not off of game sales but rather their marketplace for other stuff, such as the cards, backgrounds, skins for games, etc.    Them changing their cut from game sales would not affect them near as much as people seem to think.  Epic is definitely taking an altruistic step in the right

Even though it was a generic “Grieving Man”, it had sole focus in a movie with so many other things to focus on.

isn’t this what we want?

It’s one of the oldest principles of capitalism. Higher price means lower demand.

I didn’t enjoy it, and thus, didn’t beat it. I DID enjoy Fallout 3 and feel THAT is the best one. I should note, I haven’t played any of them after Vegas.

Well, I mean... if we’re talking kids, I’m guessing they might be playing a lot more Fortnite than they are watching R-rated movies like John Wick.

Yeah this narrative of using minorities to push against Epic is tiring. “Black” dances only make up a portion of the entire catalog, and ignoring how there are a ton from non black dancers is just pathetic.

In music, artists have been stealing dance moves for decades.

Oof that title