
It’s the experience for me. Whatever the hell it is, it’s not being phoned in or focus grouped. 

Oh absolutely me, it may be bonkers and nonsense but I LOVE the bonkers and nonsense. It’s a franchise with hours and hours of cutscenes, it’s safe to say plenty of people are drawn to that aspect.

To anyone who ever believed Elon Musk’s bullshit: you’ve been had.

They’re not Uber’s workers though. They’re their own boss’. And they could probably make more money if driver’s weren’t using it as a main source of income, instead only taking jobs and giving rides when the wage is actually worth it, instead of being desperate

Because as a private contractor, these driver’s decide for themselves if they want to provide their services through the app. But when they rely on the app as their only way to make a living, they basically whore themselves out to the lowest bidder. And if Uber can increase profits and the driver’s keep turning on

oh my god it’s almost like Uber doesn’t want people making a career out of this, but only to supplement extra money on the side!

They should also forward their resumes so that you guys can help them find a better place of employment since you’re all so concerned about the drivers. 

load times actually mater. A lot of game design currently is working around loading zones and texture pop in.  Eliminating that is actually quite interesting from a dev standpoint, and changes how levels and textures are designed. 

I’ll rise to the challenge because its something i’m fairly passionate about, the difference between the drum gun and the pump is one of consistency.

Cool story, bro.

Emotional trauma and growth are fun too!

“You know what this will actually do? It will make us charge more than we actually want for the items in order to make up the difference. I would love to know how this helps players at all.”

A less than 2% take rate on manual equipped cars in the US? There are whole brands that don’t offer manuals. 

This is a perfectly reasonable take and you’re clearly not the only one in the comments who feels this way. I may just be too jaded to have my own opinion either way, but I respect it.

I’m probably going to be dumped on if this comment reaches high enough to be read, but... this is to me a bit in poor taste to report on so soon? I mean, yeah, this a car news blog. But man, a building blew up and multiple people died. It just so happens that a neighboring building had some old cars in it, and those

If you read the article you’d see that there isn’t really evidence that Tencent or the Epic store is giving data to the Chinese government.  Additionally, if thats your fear then you should basically cease using all modern gaming platforms and services because they have a hand in almost all of them.  Tencent is simply

I will never understand the childish anger of internet gamer bros. I get the social/cultural/political roots of it, I just can’t imagine being so angry over something so miniscule. I like to believe it’s just teenagers who don’t know any better, but it’s so often overemotional adult men. It blows my mind every time

What are the tangible negatives? Other than having to install a second service...so minor.

Game developers getting 18% more of your money is a huge benefit to the customer: The game developer can invest more in the games you love, and has less incentive to depend on trashy DLC models.

sounds like the problem is that it feels out of place relative to the rest of the game