
It would be wise for SE to drop the 'XIII' from that title as soon as possible.

They deserve it.

The QA team thought this met quality standards ... and not Mega Man Legends 3? What the FUCK is wrong with you, CAPCOM?

By far one of the dumbest segments I've seen so far. Self-proclaimed experts like the author from that segment should refrain from passing judgment on a statistic he knows nothing about.

And that's precisely why we're probably going to be entreated to a death scene. ... I hope. More media should go into the uncomfortable territory.

If I'm stuck in the small 20% that actually wanted to go out and buy the game on release day, I don't want to be the 80%.

I think I'm going to cry.

"Thanks for being such great fans", they say, but I think the actual concept of fandom and brand loyalty is changing - their current train of thought needs to change or they're going to get worn out from this 'mario, zelda and pokemon' niche that they've developed.

And it's the truth. It's bullshit how he can keep a straight face like that, knowing that there are a handful of decent games that aren't seeing the light of day over here.

I tried using my neighbor's cat as a punching bag, but I almost got arrested.

Of all human beings in this universe, no one else but Michael J. Fox deserves the distinction of being called by his (semi) full name.

The screens are 6.5" across diagonally. They don't have that high of a resolution, so it doesn't take that much to stream video.

@Kocrachon: To be fair, not all of those exclusives are that good.

Swearing does not make your argument any better.

Seems like fun? Sounds like a one-way stop to becoming Wilford Brimley's understudy.

@Darkon_X: Close to a billion. But if the finance experts are correct, the PSN outage has probably cost Sony more than a billion dollars in lost profits.

If you're going to rag on someone for making a stupid argument, make sure you're using the right terminology. He knows what the word means, he's just not writing it correctly.

Fucking this.

Watch your language.