The creators said that this will be not the last you have seen from Toph in this season.

1.) I knew Ivy was still "alive". Enzo's attractive, we're not suppose to hate him.

I can't help but wonder if we walk into prequels expecting them to be bad. After the Star Wars prequels and Enterprise, maybe we've developed a prejudice against them so that no matter how good a prequel is, we automatically hate them. It's like trying to eat at Taco Bell after several meals gave you explosive

Here, an always useful chart of biblical marriage:

"Show me another book in the world that claims to be the word of one who knows everything, who has always been there, that tells us the origin of time, matter, space, the origin of the Earth, the origin of water, the origin of the sun, moon, and stars, the origin of dry land, the origin of plants, the origin of

Will the movie have Discord? Please have Discord! I don't enjoy every MLP episode, but man does John de Lancie make every episode he's in awesome. It's like the thought process for this character was "You know how awesome Q was in Star Trek? Let's stick him in a children's cartoon!"

The film will just be six horses stood in a paddock with voiceovers. The internet will implode.

Let's hold hands.

The true genius of "Hitchhiker" comes when Arthur and Ford crash a ship of people who are so totally useless and idiotic their own home planet kicked them out...and it turns out they're on ancient Earth and this ship of morons are the true direct ancestors of the modern human race.

273 years from now historians will look back and say "This early Information Age philosopher was right! Only none of his contenporaries believed him."

Nice Wrath of Khan tribute... +1 Interwebz

I always thought Roddenberry's vision of humanity was ridiculously unrealistic. That's why DS9, to me, was the best series — the core of Roddenberry's vision was intact, but the characters were much more three-dimensional and imperfect. Of all the ST characters I have known in my travels, the DS9 cast was the

We should also invent some kind of rail that guards the next generation of dumber humans against holes. Id call it the Edge Barrier System (tm).

You gotta split it right after post-rescue of Peeta. Katniss all happy to see him and then he starts strangling her.

Looks like Effie has thrown off her District One fashions and joined the fight!

These comments ought to be good.

I guess it's like the difference between knowing your girlfriend has had past lovers and seeing her sex tape? Haha I dunno, I think we were just supposed to forget the most important thing about her character

This was a pretty humdrum season Doctor Who season opener for the most part. Except that Peter Capaldi, the new Doctor, is already bringing a marvelously strange energy to the role of the Doctor

She's working on Harry Potter and the Expensive Divorce Lawyer...