Thank you! If the genders where reversed the man would have never been allowed near that child, he would be irredeemably evil, but as a women simply holding a baby fixes a lifetime of bad decisions and being evil. What about the first time that baby asks for Daddy instead of Zelena? With her abandonment issues she

Yeah she is which is also why she has been wearing like 7 layers of clothing this season.

OMG all the ingredients that I collected, I couldn’t stop myself I have spend to much of my life chasing butterflies around to rip their wings off. And the mountain of purple mountain flower could fill a room.

I was working at a video store when the first Hunger Games came out. I had to explain to my manager what they movie was about because she never went to the theater to see movies, and wasn’t a big reader. After I explained the plot she looked at me and said “How the crap are we suppose to decorate for that?!?” (We

100% agree. I tell people this is the best movie I can never watch again. I saw this with my brother before he went off for basic and we still talk about. This was one of those that sticks with you. When the crazy lady tries to sacrifice the boy a guy yelp out “Oh hell no!” and then when she was shot the entire

This freaked me out in a big way. I really don’t like scary movies but I was talked into seeing this by a friend, I was never so glad that I didn’t have a tv in my bedroom as a teen. It would have been in the hallway if I had. The freakest part ***SPOILER ALERT (on a 13 year old movie)*** was how you thought it was

Not really because he was not technically “The Doctor” because he didn’t go by that title and felt he gave it up by destroying Gallifray. So he doesn’t get a number, but really its because they are not going to go back and destroy 10 years worth of merchandise that have used the numbers, the numbers just being short

I feel both excitement and trepidation about Childhood’s End. The book was my introduction to classic Science fiction, and still to this day reading anything by Clark or Asimov is like comfort food. The only thing that worries me is the fact that classic scifi has a very different out look on life then we have today.

Thank you for this I was getting really depressed reading this, and this thread made me smile. I needed that.

This is so funny I just finished re-watching this and come on here and it is like the second story, lol. I love the first but I do hope they don’t try to explain everything to much, I feel that is what made the first one good. They explained just enough to hook you on the plot but not enough to get too weird. Also how

100% agree with this! So much nerd rage invoked with this picture. The Doctor and Seven where my first real ship, and that was back in the dark ages of 2001-2002 before I knew what a ship was. So many fan fictions wrote and read, I still remember one I read that was epically long, for a long time I loved it more then

Thank you! I have been trying to remember the name of this book ever since I saw the first trailer for Between. I remember reading this in middle school and loved it.

Is Superman apart of this world? I caught somethings in the trailer that implied he is and didn’t want to pressure her to embrace her powers, but how does this work? If they where sent at the same time and she was 12, and is now 24 so Superman is 12? Or are they going with the relativity thing that Kara took a lap

Hadn’t heard that. I hope he is holding out for someone who will do right by it.

The thirteen year old in me said “NNNOOOOOO!” when I saw this headline. My friends and I watched this every time we had a sleep over, and spent most of 8th and 9th grade obsessed with all things occult related. (There was also a healthy dose of Anne Rice thrown in there too). Bless our little goth hearts. I haven’t

I keep hoping HBO or some one like them picks up Gone as a series, if it ever gets made, not try and make it into the next YA blockbuster like Hunger Games, or Divergent. I know they would have to age up the characters, make the cut off age 18 or 20 (they may be able to push it down to 16 but a lot of the violence

Watched that movie once, too close to home to watch again.

Thank you for this post, when you have parents who where horrible it makes things harder in so many ways. My Mother was an addict (Dad too) and there where huge chunks of my childhood where we lived with relatives, those where the good times. I cut off all communication with my Mother for years after I graduated High

The thing that bothered me the most about this Turtle move (and all the super hero movies really) is how much they are targeted at children, even really young kids. Me son is 4 and at his last birthday you would have thought Marvel or the Ninja Turtles sponsored it by looking at the presents. Mostly because that is

It took years for my friend to convince me to read these books., now I love them! A lot of the reason I waited was I liked the show and they canceled it, I was afraid I wouldn’t like the differences which I knew they changed a lot.