I really wanted to but to many of my non-trekkie friends thought I was naming him after the singer Sisqo, you know the "Thong Song" guy, and I couldn't do that to my child, lol.

I agree! This has always been my favorite episode ever! Of course Sisko is my favorite captain. I even named my son Benjamin and it is absolutely after him!

I loved that line! And it was just a snarky jab at the fact that Clara is short!

He made the call after he destroyed all the enemies with the regeneration lighting...thing. They showed the clip of Clara hanging up the phone when she went back to the Tardis to find him. He was in the reboot stage, when he also made his heart breaking speech.

So many webcomics, so little time! AAAKKK must read them all!

I believe a lot of the outrage came from the fact that Katness is described as having "straight black hair, olive skin, and grey eyes", which many people took to mean they should have cast some one "less white". There was also the fact that Jennifer Lawrence wasn't well known and she is blond IRL, people where afraid

If I just heard it and didn't see the trailer I would never in a million year think "Daniel Radcliffe". It sounds so weird but I think that is because it is so good. I do hope this does well I think Daniel Radcliffe is a wonderful actor, I just hope he doesn't get pigeonholed as "Harry Potter" for the rest of his

I gave my son my last name. His father and I are not married even though we are together and live together. We had dated for years on and off, the biggest problem is he wanted me to move in and I didn't want to without some commitment. (That was just a personal choice on my part not a judgement on couples who live

Before I had kids I always said I would pitch a tent in front of the hospital to make sure I got an epidural, I hate pain and had no desire to experience "natrual" child birth. I had heard of women getting to the hospital to late to get drugs, or waiting till it was too late, that wasn't going to happen to me! I got

If it was on during the regular season I probably wouldn't give it time, but during the summer beggars can't be choosers, so keep it comeing!

I yelled at the screen "Punch him!" My son ask what I was watching, lol.

I agree, I really wanted to Foster to call him out, way more then she did. Yes this is the reason it isn't a good idea to 2 people who are romantically involved to go in to life treating situations, do you put duty or love first? But I was disappointed in Foster for not pointing out that she didn't go all crazy and

I have always told people this is on of my favorite movies that I could never watch again, the ending was awesome but boy does it mess with your mind. On a side note when I went to see it in theaters, when the preachy women get shot in the head by the mousy cashier everyone in the theater erupted in spontaneous

I feel like this show really wishes it was on HBO or Showtime, there is a writer somewhere just begging, "come on please just one nipple our ratings will sky rocket!" I wonder if there is a guy on set and his entire job is to make sure you don't see any nipples, nipple watch man! "Sorry we are going to have to film

You are right I was looking at the one leaning against his knee. :)

Viserys Targaryen Dany's brother from season 1, head coated in gold remember?

Aww burst my bubble. The trailer looked all cool and stuff, oh well just have to read the book now!

I have never cared to much about spoilers, and have actually sought them out in some cases. I knew about the twist in the Sixth Since before I watched it, yeah my experience was different then if I had gone into it clean but I still enjoyed the movie.

Essentially Marvel isn't allowed to use the word "mutant", that is why they are changing their origin story in TWS so that they are genetically (or magically depending on how you look at it) altered humans, but they are NOT mutated! It is actually funny sometimes to see the lengths that Marvel has to go to to make

I loved the movies and hope the show will be as good if not better. But something bothers me. You have a bunch of people with very different personalities getting together to collect mystical, magical objects from around the world, and they report to a secretive figure who isn't what he seems back at their hidden