What, you don’t enter your PIN number into LCD display on the ATM machine?
What, you don’t enter your PIN number into LCD display on the ATM machine?
I want to know what Tremec did to make a DCT capable of handling 700hp. BMW backed away at the ~600hp range because they said it couldn’t handle it.
Yeah... Imagine that... Lol.
As this is being run by Volvo... if the specs/price is even close to reality, this could end Tesla.
Nice price from a crack pipe
Sometimes, the hardest person to forgive is yourself.
I’m learning from these comments that I got off easy at ~$160 for the tow.
Mostly just people whose names end in (R).
Probably not as many as should be:
Well, if the owners are shorting GA to the tune of $10k a pop, one a month per investigator would make it revenue neutral. But that’s a shitty metric for whether or not fraud should be investigated and be punished.
Because when your 2015 Pathfinder is shuddering like an out-of-control blender at low speeds, and it takes a year for the manufacturer to figure out what to replace despite many trips to the dealer, you sort of get worried about the long-term reliability.
Well, not everyone who applies to ICE can make it. Sadists need jobs too.
The question is not whether pasghetticode is “that guy”. The question is whether the Prius failed to yield to the Camry, or whether the Camry failed to yield to the Prius. The only way to determine that is to figure out who had the right-of-way.
Americans have no idea how to merge.
What, you don’t clean your guns while loaded, chambered, cocked, and the safety off? Phhht. You must hate America...
I thought this was photoshop... It hurts to laugh this is a real book.
Well, see, corporations are people...but not when crimes have been committed!
Extortion thy name is collections.
paying it is the easiest way out for us or they’ll get a lawyer to call.