Eh, the truck is going to be fine
Eh, the truck is going to be fine
Voss only. And it has to be from glass bottles, none of that plastic bottle crap.
You’d absolutely run distilled. Anything in the water is going to end up deposited in your intake tract/combustion chambers. If you have hard water you can see the problem.
We ended up with a very nice Mustang GT Premium 5 speed. Just not that day. And no one was an ass about anything. If they want to tack on extra cash for nothing, who’s to say that YOUR time isn’t equally as valuable as their mark up?
May dad has the best solution for this. Back in 2005, my dad wanted a new Mustang GT. All the dealers in SoCal were marking the cars up between $5k-$20K over MSRP. We went to our local dealer, zeroed in on a new Mustang and had a chuckle at the mark up. As soon as a salesman walked up to us, he stuck his hand out and…
How many flat bill hats come with it for that price?
Fine. I guess that’s what I get for telling you to fix your broken waternator. I can do it real quick and real cheap. No need to be a dick about it.
That’s the UK’s legendary health and safety. I wouldn’t be surprised to see British Army artillery crew wearing fluorescent vests and hard hats while pounding the shit out of their enemy.
Thank goodness they put that li’l itty bitty amber strobe light on top. Otherwise YOU’D NEVER HEAR OR SEE IT COMING!
because a car is not a sphere.
Thanks Obama
Man, things got real reddit-y in here real quick, didn’t they?
It’s almost like me writing about things people want to read is some weird new way of attracting people to the site. Damn you, capitalism.
The only garbage here are some of the commenters. But, I do find you guys entertaining so please don’t stop.
in other words buy vodka to improve ride?
And I support the EPA for trying to crack down on this type of activity. Make it tied to a state vehicle registration, and then it’s fair.
I literally scrolled down here for this joke as soon as I read the title. Knew I wouldn’t be disappointed.