
The Z97 chipset that the CPU in that build uses does not support DDR4 memory. DDR3, not DDR4. If you want DDR4 you gotta bump up to X99 chipset with 5xxx haswell-E CPU’s.

The 4790K does not support DDR4 memory...

My problem with the whole thing is that it's done on religious grounds. How the hell Leader of the Free World (tm) can do the exact same thing as the people they are fighting against and let religious nuts to run things?

Incorrect. All the Republican NASCAR fans are going to keep watching races because what the fuck else are they going to watch - Eurofags that never even touch an oval? Commie endurance racing with hybrids and diesels?

On the other hand, the rest of us non-bigots have a higher opinion of NASCAR as an org than we did


Maybe ban spectators sitting directly in front of the catch fencing, scheissekopfs...

The funny part is for $45,000 (including the purchase of the car) you can build a standard focus into something that can completely blow away the RS

More people in one vehicle en route to work = less cars on the road with one person in them (designed to carry up to 4 or 5) = less congestion = less metropolitan pollution.

Yeah, because when you've done absolutely nothing wrong, you should totally get your ass kicked.

this video upsets me on many different levels. One, the cameraman should have called 911 instead of just trying to get a viral video he is a wanna be hero, and should be ridiculed as such, he is also a.. what was it "a fucking scumbag. You, you piece of shit." Two, obviously the drunk driver. A three, wtf lady? Did

Nerd alert, excellent ship choice to end your article with.

He could say "hey bro, I just called the cops bro and gave them you plate, if you're in it when they find it/you you're going to jail bro... bro" Might not work but beats laughing about it.

And not just any Ferrari — a LaFerrari, CNN reports, the $1.5 million hybrid hypercar that's so fast it makes a normal Ferrari feel like a Mazda3 with the base engine.

Isn’t that kind of nice? I mean, if Jeremy Clarkson and Piers Morgan, of all people, can settle their disputes, maybe there’s hope for the human race after all. (Copious amounts of booze are largely to thank for this, but still.)


Okay, honesty time: How many of us would actually pull over and stop on the freeway for a black Monte Carlo with no police badging and tiny police-looking lights that's running you off the road in a very unprofessional way? I know I wouldn't. I would get the fuck out of there, and if he kept pursuing, I would pull

This trailer makes me realize that Jason Statham is 90% of the reason I like the Transporter series.

The post is sarcastic. Come on.