
That's cool, not alot of people can say they bought their own ferrari in their 20's. Unless you're just getting really good at photoshop and your top pics are just to throw people off ;-)

It's within the rules

I want one of these in SpinTires.

Well you're just a bundle of joy.

A gauge with a needle provides three types of data in one convenient instrument:

The wing on the back of an F1 car add tons of useful downforce, which makes them very fast. The wing on the back of your Camry sadly doesn't.

Virtual reality dabs.

Are these labels really necessary?

Was it very high tech? It was just a lot of cylinders, a lot of displacement and a lot of turbos.

I'll type slowly, so you can follow along. Here's the original breathless statement, written in a way only a washed-up J-prof could love:

"If you live in the Pacific Northwest, your life practically revolves around playing in the snow. At least that's how I imagine it."

We got two for sale in Germany right now, and cheaper than this one! 800.000€ (850k USD) in white and 850.000€ (951k USD) in yellow.

Funny, my STi doesn't consume any oil, never added any fluid (except washer) in the past 3 years i've owned her.

No Concern! Remove all Aston Headlights!

I'm a pretty big deal?


he's covered under the stand your ground law.

Guess others had posted the video as well.. stupid kinja. How long am I going to be pending? Another year or longer? Sheesh

Overpowered for FWD, maybe. But those really weren't bad for me. I handled the torque steer by one pinky. The traction issue wasn't too bad either. Maybe in snow it'd be bad, but I kept the revs low, out of boost rpms and it was fine. Can't remember when it hit boost though.