
I’m sorry, but this title is so incredibly stupid.

It also seems the people in Rage 2 and the mask loving citizens found in Anthem have some things in common.

Nailed it.

The thing is that I dont think most people want Vanilla.  I havent heard most people asking for that.  They want BC and Wrath.  The game got much better with BC and then was awesome for Wrath.  If they opened a BC progression server that rolled into Wrath after a period of time id be in.  Ill probably try Classic but

I am still proud of capping out every weapon specialization on my hunter back in WotLK.

Being mediocre is more along the lines of everything I’ve heard from reviews.

Eh Rage 1 went out of it’s way to slap the player down as a random you don’t matter anyone could have done what you did grunt instead of the hero, and had major spawn issues where bad guys would run out from behind basketballs and stop sign poles.

i disagree. i purposefully waited to purchase ME:A more than a year after release, just to make sure that I have the absolute last patches that were ever going to be released, and even with (virtually) all technical glitches removed and/or fixed, the game and missions were still bland, monotonous, uninteresting.  it

It’s fun reading this in Captain Murphy’s voice. 

Man, I remember when the Halo series didn’t have invisikill walls and countdown timers telling you to GTFBack.

On crap, now I have to cancel my cancel. 

I’m of the mind that if they are going to offer discounts on pre-orders then they had better at least give a refund in store credit to every single person who has already pre-ordered the game.

They thought about that, and they are.

Epic Store:

No, but that wouldn’t stop people from charging that much.

You just saved me two long, boobless hours!

While it’s not my place/nor right to tell someone whether they’re offended or not. I do feel that we’ve spent so much effort and energy on fighting microaggressions, that we forgot to fight normal aggression and now it’s sitting in the White House and walking the streets carrying tiki torches.

It is a stupid joke for sure, but outrage culture is way more annoying.