Being An Otaku Has Gotten Easier
Being An Otaku Has Gotten Easier
Could we please institute some kind of “digital intelligence test” for lawmakers before they’re allowed to create legislation over the internet? It’s pretty clear 3/4 of them have no idea what they’re writing or voting on, and it just ends up creating major problems for everyone after the fact.
You have every right to be wrong.
AmaLee (“LeeandLie”) did a pretty serviceable English rendition of the tune—and surprise, it makes Shinji sound like an even bigger useless asshole than the show already made him out to be.
...just get in the damn robot.
What’s funny to me is that in QFGI, you can clearly see the seeds of sandbox games that would follow later; you’re dropped into an area, you have three major tasks to perform, and basically set loose. The problem is, is that there’s really ONLY those three things to do aside from the one class-specific thing you have…
It’s a videogame about two magical swords battling throughout the ages all the while corrupting their wielders and the stories of the people seeking those blades. But sure let’s focus on the fanservice part, which by the way also focuses on the male body but I’m sure that doesn’t get any lady here negatively…
Did you really reply to a genuine comment with this? Holy fuck have a conversation. Tell this person your opinion and why you think they are wrong. What in the actual fuck does making a joke do? It makes this the impact of this article so much less.
It has to be remembered that King’s Quest was in a very real way Sierra’s flagship series. It was always the one that got used to showcase new game engines or features, even though most of the games themselves haven’t aged very well (some of those puzzles in KQV, how you were ever supposed to solve some of those…
You were quick to respond once but then stopped. What happened?
When you can’t be right, may as well be condescending.
LOL. Come to Southern California and you will see how misinformed your snarky comment is.
Quite a lot of people have similar body types in real life. Honestly this article in offense in many ways though.
Space Quest was great.
You articulated this better than I could. That’s precisely why I could never get into traditional Megaman games.
What? There have been several since then. Not sure if you’re just trying to be edgy, but their was only really 1 bad AC creed game and even that was a decent game marred by bugs.
But...vaccines are the devil’s milk!
I think RDR2 would have trumped CP77, simply because they’re so much closer to release that they likely would have much more to show off. As cool as the trailer for CP77 was, it was devoid of any gameplay. The only reason it’s getting a pass is that CD Projekt Red has done such a great job with the Witcher series that…
Rockstar Table Tennis is a license to print money. There’s a reason we haven’t seen a sequel yet, humanity just isn’t ready.
Tina Belcher wins!