That reminds me I need to go buy some more of the greatest pickles on earth.

Sorry I didn;t mean for it to come out like, THESE THINGS ARE EVIL! lol

I used to work at a well I guess you would call it a whole food rip off, here in Ohio, and Ive tired so many things, like almond milk, and hemp seeds, and my palette is just not a fan. I’ll stick to tha all natural ranch, and definatley not that

For Vegans this must be great.

For me, you lost me at almond milk and hemp seeds.

Thank you for this, cause my life was out of fucking control! My oven is preoccupied with making brownies and I was trying to figure out where to cook these brownies... FOR 3 HOURS!

I agree, just like we have to get to the developer options on all versions of android and enable the ability to install 3rd party apps, we should be able to install 3rd party extensions while agreeing to the fact that what were doing “may” be dangerous (but only if your doing something dumb.)

No problem! Great Article Tim!

Are the “Metal Cutting & Grinding” and “Metal Cleaning” Headlines supposed to have the same body? The descriptions are the exact same...

Now if only people would fucking use them.

All that rain but still so many smiles! Kudos to you sir!

Were waiting to have our wedding for after we buy our house and having a Night Wedding in the backyard, and I’m doing all the cooking. High Five For DIY!

This makes me sooooo happy we won;t be having a traditional wedding.
I think tops our’s will cost around $1,000

(most of that is food and booze lol)

Dear god could she give any less fucks?

I submit that she cannot.

Nice! I know what I’m buying on friday!


Thanks for the quick reply, I do enough stuff around the house and repair our own cars, its about time to make this wise investment to save time to enjoy the things i love making and fixing rather than hitting my fingers with nails and cursing lugnuts!

Awesome info! Question, do brands matter for this type of thing, or am I cool just running down to Harbor Freight with a 20% coupon?

I prefer to call it the point and laugh method!

Sliding is always fun, Can I buy the campaign for $20 bucks?
I don’t wanna play the multiplayer. Just lemme play the story and play it on different difficulties and find all the little hidden secrets here and there and be done with it. Woooooo run on sentences!
I feel like 66% of the game (if not more) is multiplayer,


As long as you reach an internal temp of 165, it can still be pink but the texture will be normal cause the muscle fibers will have been cooked. Did you even read the article?

Fucking Thank you, I shall be posting this to anyone who gave me shit about this very subject.