We usually split the Carry out/online order tips at the end of the week between the cooks and the dishwashers. Usually enough for a couple packs of smokes and a couple rounds after sunday brunch.
We usually split the Carry out/online order tips at the end of the week between the cooks and the dishwashers. Usually enough for a couple packs of smokes and a couple rounds after sunday brunch.
I like to add a pinch of baking soda in mine to help when it’s super acidic, that also ups the sweetness a tad without adding sugar.
Tips help everyone! Good article!
My god... I know a Matt Bush. I’m wondering the same thing. Akron?
a Tablespoon of Peanut butter and about 5 morsels of Dark chocolate chips, 100% Whole Milk and a Pinch of salt.... My breakfast since the first of the year = Heaven!
I like YOU!
But Without the Shitty Interface.
Google: I have a free account with about 30,000+ uploaded, so does my fiance. Today I signed up for the Family plan and added her.
So far after 24 hours of us both using the service, there is NO crossover.
Apple: No fucking Clue.
At the same point, I’m old and have responsibilities that don’t allow me to play multiplayer anymore, just don’t have the time.
Can I please pay $20 for a campaign and be done with it?
Kickstarter to get you a new god damn coffee maker!
One cannot Make Mario without first Making Coffee!
I feel like we should send him one. He hasn’t been the same lol
My brother and I went to go move a water fountain for my Grandmother and Grandfather today. My grandparents are both old school 90+ and unfiltered. My brother walks in (he’s gained few pounds) and first thing that pops out of my Grandmothers mouth is, “You look like you’re 9 months pregnant.”
“If you’re very fit, you probably know it .“
Fixed it.
I wish I could focus with music. I think it’s the track ending, next track beginning that messes me up. Not too long ago someone in the “Kinjasphere” wrote an article about listening to the same song on repeat to boost productivity, and I gave it a try. I actually found the perfect track for that experiment. It was…
Sitting in front of a computer from 9-5, I cant do music anymore. I find myself more productive listening to comedians. I’ll pop up Pandora, or Google Music and Throw on one of my favs, Doug Benson, Kyle Kinane, Euegen Mirman and laugh my troubles away =]
I felt your pain man, Growing up with Halo lan parties and being stoked to play destiny and waiting in line as a father of two as well, I didn’t realize how much of my life was going to be taken up by it. Couldn’t put family and life aside like i did when i was 20 single and delivering pizzas. So I put it down in…