Our lowest point was about 6 years ago, and we've bounced back. No help from anyone else. Water, electric and gas got shut off for a few months but washed clothes in buckets, collected rain water and cooked on the grill, fortunately it wasn't winter.

When we needed help the most, we couldn't get it. it was a horrible

Don't worry, I hold intelligent conversations, thank you for not confusing snark with troll.
Talk to you soon.

I'll get back to you when I'm home from work... Buddy.

People who use the word stigma.


We did the math, and it almost would have benefited us if she would have been laid and went on un-employment and signed up for every type of assistance, we would have been living high on the horse, but we just couldn't morally do it. It's too bad most people don't feel the same.

Yes, we all pay taxes. What most of us are mad about are we are barely scrapping by and we don't qualify for benefits... and we're paying taxes too on top of working 40 hours.

I just can't make sense of it. We We're both working 40 hours/week (both the fiancee and myself) and last summer was rough, baby sitter for the two kids, and together we were barely scraping by, but apparently we make too much to qualify for any assistance programs. Shouldn't the people who work their asses qualify

Yup, and that’s why.

I can’t go to work high...

I need a new career.

The only real way to make a living in the fast food industry is to be a manager or an owner.

Hope you like working 60 hrs every week!

Were doing this same thing in our basement with Property Surveys!
But they're already printed out we get them from free from the Title Agency my Fiancee works for. Honestly most title agencies just throw them away.

We work in the same hell.

We work in the same hell.

My Hobby: Adding the mouse over from the XKCD web comic in any post on Kinja where a strip has been used.


"I remember trying to log in to the original Command and Conquer servers a year or two back and feeling like I was knocking on the

Easy answer, Little bit at a time, taste it each time. Someone who doesn't go around calling himself an executive chef.

They can't keep anything in the air can they?

I think I'm one of the few who does not use lip balm, but I'll make sure to pass on this vital information for your everyday life.

I think I'm one of the few who does not use lip balm, but I'll make sure to pass on this vital information for your

Normally if I do (which is rare) have to send something back, it's fairly painless, and Ebay really sticks up for you.

Example, about 3 months ago I got a Motorola Surfboard Modem SB5120, It didnt even power on, I contacted them, they shipped a new one, (with a return label) hooked it up, it worked, slapped the

We just recently ditched TWC, but we lucked out cause their contractors are to lazy to come out and put a filter on the line so we still get the basic 100, and I have a HTPC setup with a tuner card, so thats our DVR and then stream everything to chromecast (honestly now that i think about it i dont even know why we

Yeah we all find our own little ways around with these services, I use a Chromecast Paired with Plex, Netflix, and Hulu. Now My fiancee LOVES her kindle unlimited. And for as much as she reads, roughly a book every two days. Sometimes more. That's perfect for her (and our wallets lol).

I gave Amazon Primes streaming

I hate paying shipping cause i live in a decent sized city (Akron, Ohio), so i can price match with any of these major stores, with the exception of like Fry's. Also where Taxes here are only .0675.

As for the 2 day shipping with prime, that;s nice and all, but if im going to buy something online and have it shipped,