YAY! Because paying for shipping BLOWS!

This is super important, I think I may stat doing this immediately. Always down for an experiment to improve quality of life =]

Excellent notes! Thanks for sharing!

Nope. Maybe if your TV is a floor model on a lazy susan from the 1980's. Then Yes.

But nope.

While some cultures emphasize the art of negotiation, retail stores and large corporations have taught us that prices are fixed things. Many of us even assume that the price of an item should be the cost of parts and labor, plus small fraction more. Unless you bought it used, in which case asking more than you paid

On the "Plus" Side. Ha!


I have a great recipe for a deep fry dipping sauce.

::Spoiler Alert::

It's Lard.

Advice: YOU should never give people advice.

A bummer this never caught on, I used it quite a few times.

I'm glad I could inspire someone! Life's too short for mediocre flavor!

Nah, I don't care if you want lesser quality stuff for a larger price tag.
If that's your goat... milk it.

Well not that Giant Eagle can't help me out in a pinch =]

The Store I go to boasts the quality ingredients, and you can tell the difference, every spice has it's own humidor, and the prices are amazing!

For Example, Wal-Mart (just cause they're everywhere and claim to have the lowest of low prices) has Paprika, plain

!f you're gonna buy ground spices, but from a trusted seller, not your local grocery market. Here in Ohio a half hour drive into Amish Country and I drop about $50 and my spices are stocked for the next few months.

Down with McCormick!

Heating pad for the bed, Smoke a bowl, and put on some comedy central.

Proof is in the pudding.

My father is 58, I just finished his resume last month. From the day he graduated, he's had 4 jobs: Air Force (only 4 years) Railman, Machinist and Technician.

He submitted his resume and now has the lead electrician's job at one of the largest hospitals in Northeast Ohio.... and he's 58. I

Susannah! Great First Article for Skillet!

Excellent First article Susannah, looking forward to reading more!