This. I have been waiting. Kinja is now complete for me.

So does this mean I can soak an assload of rice in the mixture and let it hang out and cook myself a serving of rice in 3 minuets anytime i want?

Cause she wanted to.

See that face she's wearing?

That's what it looks like when you get knocked upside the head by knowledge.

Iphone and Samsung, Suprise! May as well shop at 5 Below if that's your selection.

Iphone and Samsung, Suprise! May as well shop at 5 Below if that's your selection.

His Gal Friday?

The first (and only) time I ever met him was at the International Inventors Hall of Fame here in Akron, Ohio. I can't say my first meeting was pleasant. What a let down that was, He wouldn't even give me his autograph =[

I hope I get to meet him again one day and patch things up.

No one looks good in skinny jeans, men, woman, emus, no one.

If you think they're working, dont.


Text can make people sound so smug.

I find better (not perfect) results when i vacuum pack the soups first.

Then I just put them in water, still sealed, in a crockpot, on warm, and let it go.

Very good point indeed, My favorite Medium is Food.

Food is the most lovely art imo.

IM ON IT! I should probably just make an Instructable too!

I'd Like to contact him, I made a box so that when it opens it make the Treasure Box Sound (Duh du du dunnnnn)

I got the cost down to under $5.
$3.16 for the circuit board w/speaker
.25 for the leads

I agree with 80% Diet 20% Exercise and another 100% for moral support.

My tale: 80lbs in one year. My method was Weight Watchers

It was the food I was eating, once I had a plan and stuck to it and learned it, I was on my way, ups and owns, never easy, but feeling batter about myself.

The hardest part. I was 330lbs in


Very Cool, But a waste of good salt.

Im switching to T-Mobile next week and I feature you may like is if you cant get cell service, if you;re anywhere where you can get WiFi, you will be able to make phone calls over WiFi after the new year (with a small ota update)! After I heard about that, Tmo was set in stone for me!

Thank you to all the people who bitch about this game and quit playing, It frees up space on the server for those of us who enjoy this game. Keep up the good work Bungie!

Im so sorry you can;t find it, I would gladly ship you a can! Hell I turn my girlfriend into a Barbasol woman!

Im so sorry you can;t find it, I would gladly ship you a can! Hell I turn my girlfriend into a Barbasol woman!

Saddest thing i've heard all day </3

Holy Crap I forgot about that!