Why I hate shopping for pants.
Why I hate shopping for pants.
<b>Yes. Only if you're bolding.</b>
Ha! I applaud your proper grammar and splendid vocabulary sir! I too agree.
Holy crap I never thought I'd meet someone who was an exception to my opinion. It's an honor to meet you, you shining example of everything that's right in the world. Let me just put my self in my own place so you don't have to get up.
My most rec ent purchase was this:
2004 Kia Optima V6 EX
Worth - $5,223
Sticker - $4,500
Talked Down to - $3995
First Time I've ever financed a car and I'd say I got a hell of a deal. To have it financed for 10 months cost me and additional $400. They take that add it on + tax - downpayment etc etc. All in all I ended up…
Really wasn't too hard, hell you could do that with Humble Bundle alone!
One more thing, there's too many car's on the road. Can we stop buying new cars please?
I've been working in the scrap industry for a long time now, and you wouldn't believe the amount of moms and dads that bring me a car for scrap because the engine blew from their kid not putting coolant or oil in the car. It happens more than you think. It's sad really. NO ONE IS TEACHING CAR MAINTENANCE!
I feel like no one under 21 is responsible enough with money or car maintenance to buy any car over maybe $5,000. You go through so much in those 5 years, and you torture your poor car with shitty tires, no oil changes and just neglecting it and wondering why it doesn't "work right" anymore.
If you're going to spend…
I feel as if it's only a problem if you hoard keys as well for duplicates when your buying bundles. Those should be gifts so that you may co-op with friends.
I'll submit that suggestion to HR
I love using apple and carrot with a spiced cake, makes it sweet and savory. And sometimes I use The leftover carrot and celery pulp and saute them up for a mirepoix, but only if I'm making a blended soup such as a Split Pea and Ham or a Navy bean and Smoked Ham Hock soup.
Everyone is soooo over hearing about juice, but I got a Breville juicer for my last birthday and it's my favorite kitchen gadget. (I'll admit it—I watched Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. I thought it was going to be terrible but found myself ugly crying and online shopping for a juicer by the end.) I just wish the thing…
And what about the bird itself? While the eponymous Flappy Bird isn't a direct ripoff, it appears to be a cross between the Spike and Cheep Cheep enemies in Super Mario Bros. 3. See if you can spot the similarities:
Holy shit... demo discs.