Same here, and if it doesn't work you could always take the filter off the line. But that would be... wrong.

You're Welcome General Zod!

It was a brilliant piece of self-marketing, one Mack addressed in about the most perfect way imaginable.

No fricken clue

Call similar events "Lifehacker Lag" and it's going in the Urban Dictionary

Jesus, did the website just get Takei'd?!

Right. But if you deposit money from a linked checking (instead of a linked card) it drops to 0.0%

these articles would come in hand if anyone gave a shit.

I played the first one, never finished it. Got board, and just unlikable characters. Then the second one came out, I thought, "I'll finish the first one maybe give second one a try."
Started over. Never finished the first game. I just couldn't stomach the writing. Just kind of a meathead game in my opinion... Meh.

I do the same thing but then I use the end of a butter knife and draw a tic tac toe board and make indents for 9 square patties. Take them out when frozen and you have a grid to break apart 9 perfect sliders!

I think it's extended into Google Play Service as well, Desktop that is... I haven't checked the actual app yet.

I am curious though, have you tried this yourself before suggesting it?

Really looking forward to giving this software a try, and she does post the best articles.

Being a motherfucker makes you funny.

Shadowgrounds [Steam] ($1) | Humble Store

Rollie EggMaster Vertical Grill ($21) | Amazon

I love TeamViewer for their consistency and their Android app, I love being able to tap into my computer from work kicking back in my chair. If you've lost out because LMI is no longer Free, def give TeamViewer a try!


Yup... That's the face.