
Never mistake pcp for Xanax.

Oh god, those videos are the greatest and that never occurred to me. Silly, because the first thing that one should always think is, “Trump probably won’t get it.”

Thank you.

Dear me. That’s distressing. Some of them are quite good though.....

I would still trade you a Trump for a Merkel

The person who is dressed as Trump is too well dressed. It’s throwing me off.

These are really just rallies for him, in disguise. Like he understands or cares about people who speak American with an accent....

Even the Halloween-mask version of Trudeau is... it’s not bad.

You’re really working hard to villify Ferdinand here, aren’t you? He wasn’t in power, he wasn’t the one who annexed the region, he didn’t oppress or murder anyone, and in fact he was working to help improve the lives of the very people who killed him.

Kinda hard to take you seriously when you claim that Ferdinand was a “dictator”, and that European leaders were all too willing to start the war, as neither is true. At the very least, no one in Europe wanted to start a war of that particular size, scope, and severity, even if they may have wanted war of some kind or

Yay to Marriage for All. Thank you for the update!

J.M.D. - We (or at least I) are grateful for what you do post and when. It’s nice to get news about the rest of the world.

Erdogan is not allowed to adress the turkish minority in Germany, but he was not uninvited from G20.

Good stuff. You’ve *almost* inspired me to do updates from Ireland (American living here for 13 years) but 1) I don’t pay much attention to Irish politics because to be honest, I don’t see much of a difference between the parties - they are mostly all talk and no action and 2) I go to bed early and read these the next

I live in Cologne, and construction work here is really “interesting” in that either they dig up ancient Roman ruins (in which case construction work needs to halt until examination by the university is over) or bombs from WWII. I’ve been evacuated once, and that’s when I felt like I was finally a true Colognian (I’ve

Many thanks to Moral Dictata and you for providing these updates. Informative and interesting.

Good for her on Erdogan. I read her anti Trump speech, do you think they’ll stick to their guns during the G20 meeting and not cave to Trump on things? It seems more likely with Trump, being the joke a politician that he is, than with say someone like W.

Maybe no man’s sky? That’s my guess

+9.7 Wags Above Replacement