True but this isn’t a war or a revolution.
True but this isn’t a war or a revolution.
There was a post removed that was reveling in the “karma” of the situation. . And this post was mostly a response to that and the huge number of people recommending and supporting that thread. I don’t particularly care for other comments implying they deserved it in some way. No one deserves to get shot.
100% agree. But can we also agree that scraping your knee and getting shot are not the same thing? Also that shooting someone is not going to convince them your political views are correct?
Don’t fucking shoot people. Shooting people is bad.
I think your reasoning is somewhat sound. But we need to be clear. These things don’t cause one on another directly. No. they have a common cause, and as these things spread from that cause, they reinfoce one another. We can (and should) condemn each of them, but we should acknowledge they sprang from a much more…
Ideas are absolutely dangerous. And they still shouldn’t be censored.
Yeah, but I’m still unhappy at how low this comment is, and the top like 5 are all snarky comments along similar lines to the karma comment.
Depends on if it’s detected. Maybe also it’s about grounds for appeal.
To everyone talking about karma or in any way suggesting this isn’t a terrible thing:
There’s a reason this wasn’t released into evidence.
Oh wait I get it. Grammar strikes again.
Yes, and I wager this kid’s coma is not caused by meningitis, but by severe blow(s) to the head.
Uhm. Sort of. Sort of not. The thing with a coma is it’s not like we see on TV. It’s not 100% unconscious, then suddenly you are conscious. There are different levels of consciousness in a coma, and they correspond to different levels of neurological issues and where you are in the recovery process.
That would explain why Korea hasn’t tried to use him for diplomatic leverage like they always do. Hard to use leverage when you’ve beaten him into a coma.
Yeah. Given the evidence, I don’t know that he actually stole the poster at all. This part really needs to be stressed.
1990 Supra from owner. I paid $3200 cash (It was 2003). Blew a rod after 3 months. It was apparently personally maintained by the owner who told me he knew all about mainting cars.
My theory on why this season failed is because they ambitiously tried to do a full season on a 3 day riot.
This is far too common. It’s underreported how often cops abuse “nonlethal” technologies like tasers. Maybe my family’s experiences can help add to the picture:
Yeah, I figured not. It’s a big thing to do, but it’s quite possible. And Europe is happy to take educated scientists out of the US, since the US doesn’t seem to value them anymore. The US scientific system isn’t exactly contracting, but it’s not growing nor allowing for new positions or upward mobility of those…
I’m not so sure. I mean I would love to see a true liberal candidate who emraced democratic socialism. But...