
I moved to Germany from the US a couple years ago because of better funding for grants in social sciences. They seriously love native English speakers in the sciences because that’s the lingua franca for scientific publication these days. And the English speakers from the UK are about to be restricted again because of

Thanks, I missed it when scanning the topics.

When you have an entrenched system (especially with infrastructure) you can fight innovation for a long time because of your stronger - cartel style - market position.

Wow a time when “pop rock” wasn’t considered derogatory.

Yes, I think that’s probably true. Remember all the deplorables he was considering for his cabinet? I mean more deplorable than the ones who actually made it?

Nah. Just messes with the structural integrity and tesnile strength when set on fire. Sort of like the way corrupt officials destroy the integrity of our government.

Depends. If the congress person is a reporter, probably have to publicly apologize and donate to a press freedom charity.

Trying to fire the special counsel is one of the classic blunders. Just under the top 2. The most famous is never get involved in a land war in Asia, but only slightly less well known is never get involved with a Sicilian when death is on the line.

If I recall, it’s related to hotel businesses in the D.C. and Marlyand area. Trump’s new hotel is unfairly favored over other D.C. area hotels by international diplomats and businessmen.

You really should also mention this bizarre cabinet meeting, where Trump’s cabinet took turns praising him like a naked emperor, and he claimed to be the most productive president ever:

Puerto Ricans voted overwhelmingly in favor of statehood, although only 23% of the population voted

Caught this one over the weekend. Very interesting. Again, I like the way you present multiple historical perspectives to the same topic. It really allows a layperson a hint at where the academic disagreements lie.

It’s good man. Love the frozen widowmaker and the Torb turret construction.

So. He has a lot of business dealing with the Saudis and lots of failed business dealings with Qatar.

Fair point. I’m not talking from a legal viewpoint about age of majority or anything. These were just stream of consciousness reactions to a horrific behavior.

Who said that’s a gray area? It’s clearly wrong to molest children. One of the worst things imaginable. 

Uhm. Wow. My first thought is that’s creepy as fuck. 6 years old.

- So many spoilers -

I’d be impressed if he could point to a map. Any map.

Ok, honest questions, because I need additional context: