
Reporting isn’t rigging. Based on the available information, Hillary had a 98.2% chance of winning, you’ll not that that’s not 100%. Are reporters rigging the lottery if they tell you your chance of winning? Unless you’re suggesting they somehow suppressed democratic turnout by making a Trump victory seem impossible,

Which election did they rig?

Maybe add in there “and to have a president who doesn’t call the media the enemy of the American people.” Just saying.

“Unless I absolutely have to, which this time I don’t.” The people who peeled off from Hilary in NY likely recognized that they had the option to do so without hurting her in the electoral college. Yet another reason to move to the popular vote.

But, getting raped, beaten, or drugged is a genuine threat that every woman should know about by the time they get into a bar. If not, they don’t belong there.”

I think you may need to look at what the Obama admin did with the kids in those pics from a different perspective. One that’s honest and includes the context of the situation.

As soon as you started to build whatever death trap you’re building, they’d hear you, find you and kill you.

He conisistently calls their countries shitholes or implies that groups like MS-13 control everything and then, one breath later, suggests immigrants are lying when they seek asylum. It’s unreal.

I take it back, you have no idea what you’re talking about. Not sure how else to explain that horror is subjective and your opinion doesn’t mean fuck all as it relates to other people’s experiences with a film. As far as scares go, THAT scene, followed by Toni Collette’s response is horrifying, the use of shadow and

You didn’t like Hereditary, we get it. For others, the sight of a family crumbling in the face of multiple tragedies is horrific and terrifying. If you’re asking for specific “scary scenes” I could easily name a few, but that’s beside the point and I’d rather not spoil the 4 I’m thinking of right off the bat. But that

How is it not 100% fresh? I mean, as one of the fresh reviews says it’s a “mindless sci-fi flick with a lot of effects and action.” Not effects OR action mind you, but effects AND action. What else are you looking for?  

This would be treated as nothing less than attempted murder if Paolo was driving his car and hit a border patrol agent. Fucking disgusting.

If there’s one thing history has proven, it’s that leveling sexual assault charges at a man in power will help you skyrocket to the top of your profession.

You gotta be fucking kidding me. I’m sure you’re the type of person who thinks kids have it too easy these days what with all the participation trophies and everything but here we have a kid acting like a kid, just like the good old days, and you blame him when a cop straight up murders him.

Yep. The relatively new light-rail system was designed with downtown and Bank One Ballpark in mind; a move to tribal land eliminates that access and will certainly cut into weekend attendance as well.

The “have a sense of the moment and be serious” crowd can truly fuck off. This is the students’ graduation, not theirs, and if the students want to demonstrate a little excitement it’s well-deserved.

If I had to guess, I think eventualy they fade from memory as if they never existed at all. That explains Thanos’ “I hope they remember you” line to Stark and allows for heroes who were somewhere else at the time of the snap (like in a quantum realm, perhaps) to serve as the key for resetting the universe.

I’m assuming you’re a conservative. Just pretend the NRA is a gay couple planning their wedding and YETI is a bakery; that way you won’t be upset about YETI deciding to no longer do business with them.

Or, if you’re really concerned about drug dealers and other “purveyors of death” you might suggest that cops spend more time working towards stopping that, actually protecting and serving, as opposed to pulling people over for windows that are too heavily tinted. They may have lucked into stopping someone in

A manual button that’s outside the airlock chamber to boot.